Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 1054: The Warlock of Mental Disintegration (Part 2)

Broken valley.

The **** buds slowly opened, and people finally saw Crimoz.

Losing his restraints, Crimoz did not fight back, nor did he escape.

She was sitting on the ground alone, her muscles and bones all falling apart, her eyes loose, and a broken expression on her face.

Below him, a wet pool exuded a faint smell.

It seems that her spirit has collapsed, and the bladder sphincter collapsed, causing urinary incontinence.

Outsiders saw that in less than ten minutes, the super VIP and powerful female psychic warlock of the Ouzhou blood clan had failed and collapsed, while Klimoz himself had experienced a year and three months in the fantasy world!

I soaked in the medicinal solution made of various gu worm toxins for a year, and the whole person was put into a large tank full of peculiar liquids. No eating or drinking, no excretion, no speech and no movement, only Luo Yingxue would regularly To adjust and replace the liquid medicine irregularly, the process is extremely long and can drive people crazy.

A year later, she was not mad, just numb, but not completely numb. When Luo Yingxue fished her out of the tank naked and planted 5,525 highly poisonous gu insects for her, she Still felt the terrifying and endless pain.

Twenty-five gu worms close to the king level are fighting in your body, in your internal organs, and unscrupulously releasing the gu poison. This crime is simply not something that people can suffer.

She didn't know how many times her body was devastated, but it was cured.

She no longer knows how many times she begged Luo Yingxue for mercy, but Luo seemed to be hard-hearted and refused to let her go.

Until the period of one year and three months, Luo Yingxue said: "It's okay, it's done."

Klimoz knew that he was no longer talking about a person, but a Gu.

However, this is not over yet.

There is another trial waiting for her.

After being refined into a "living Gu", she will fight a life-and-death battle with the three Gu kings.

She and the three king-level Gu worms were imprisoned together in a specially made urn. The winner (left) lives, the loser dies, and the last one can come out.

She didn't live to the end, she was besieged by three Gu Kings, and she failed even desperately.

In the end, she could only watch her body being eaten inch by inch, and the pain could not be described in words.

She also saw Luo Yingxue's disappointed expression shaking her head, as if she was saying, "You are not good for giving you a chance..."

Finally, Luo Yingxue withdrew the "Hair Gu", the bud opened, the illusion was lifted, but Klimoz's world had collapsed in chaos.

It is undoubtedly a great shame that a spirit warlock was defeated in the illusion.

What's more, Luo Yingxue didn't create the illusion by herself, she used the technique that Crimoz applied to her spiritual world to drag the opponent in and break it down.

How absurd is this? How incredible?

However, Klimoz never felt the humiliation anymore.

She was desperate, like a doll that was broken.

Luo Yingxue looked at her and said, "Okay, now, completely remove the remaining spiritual technique for me."

Klimoz, who was sitting on his own urine, raised his head and slowly looked at Luo Yingxue. After watching for a while, he suddenly laughed wildly, like a lunatic.

She said: "Don't think about it!"

Luo Yingxue was taken aback for a moment. It was indeed unexpected that a person whose spirit had been tortured to such a degree still knew how to resist.

Crimoz laughed wildly, gritted his teeth and said: "I know that you are torturing me like that when you ask me; I also know that everything is an illusion, and you can't do anything to me... If I completely solve it for you Operative style, then the one who loses the handle is truly dying..."

Having been tortured so far by the spirit and still retaining his beliefs, Klimoz is also an individual talent.

In response, Yu Yue couldn't help nodding slightly.

It's a pity that some of the things she firmly believes may be wrong...

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