Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 1056: Five great tribes (middle)

Klimoz was really scared this time, he clearly had a handle, but the other party didn't care, which made her crazy.

She was in pain, thinking she was going to die, and screamed: "You can't kill me! You can't kill me..."

Luo Yingxue looked at her, tilted her head and asked, "Why not?"

Crimoz said: "You don't know who is behind me... If you know, you promise to pee your pants..."

Luo Yingxue glanced at Yu Yue behind him as if intentionally or unintentionally, and then said: “No matter who is behind you, it doesn’t matter to me. What’s important is that if you block Yu Yue’s path, you must die. !"

With that said, Sushou Jiyin and Tankou chanting curses, under the urging of witch power, the large and small snakes that were planted in Klimoz's body and were spit out and "born" straightened up at the same time and turned their heads to look towards Klimoz, sprayed with bright red letters, the eyes of dozens of pairs of vertical pupils flashed with icy light.

Although Klimoz was so painful that she wanted to die, she was really scared and reluctant to die.

Just listen to her yelling: "This little watch doesn't know the person behind me, don't you guys know? If you watch my tragic death here, have you ever thought about the consequences?"

Someone was confused as to whom she was talking to. At this moment, the air seemed to freeze, the atmosphere of the entire space became dignified, and five people stood up from different directions.

As soon as these five people stood up, they were full of vitality and illusion. Among them, there were two hot beauties who had shot before, they were charming and charming, and their methods were extremely harsh.

They are Ashika and Rosalia, the clan leader of the Ashamite clan.

When these five people stood up together, many of the martial arts practitioners present changed their expressions, including the blood clan. Many people couldn't help but gasped, because these five were the clan owners of the five major clans of the Ouzhou blood clan, except for two beautiful women. Sister Hua, as well as the leader of the Gurard clan, Tepez, the leader of the Gangelo clan, Giovanni, and the leader of the Pascal clan, Revno.

The five patriarchs were dispatched at the same time. Such a battle really made many people feel nervous, and it also made many people have deeper doubts and fears about the identity of Klimoz. Who is behind her, even the five patriarchs Have to come forward to maintain it?

"Why, I don't admit it if I lose, do you want to play with more people and bully fewer people?" Even if the five clan master-level figures came out, Yu Yue was still calm.

You know, the five patriarchs are not the same as the five strong blood patriarchs who jointly attacked on Mount Titlis last time. Last time, Gustav and the Scarlet Queen Olsen were more watery, and these five were all real princes. Class-level powerhouses, among them, the clan lord of the Gurad clan, the clan lord of the Gangelo clan, and the clan lord of the Pascal clan all possess the peak strength of the prince level, as are the two beautiful clan lords of the Ashamite clan and the Toredo clan Half-step peak.

Many people trembled at it, and the world would be shaken by such a combination of five people.

However, even if it was so, Yu Yue was not afraid of fear and fearless in the face of the five great clan masters.

"This Lord Klimoz, you can't kill her." The head of the Gullard clan stepped forward and said.

Yu Yue waved his hand, Luo Yingxue took the "Zixue Yingyue" floating beside him and blew it. With that sound, countless snakes stopped moving, just like well-trained soldiers, letting Klimoz temporarily escape The fate of being broken into pieces and reduced to snake food.

He looked at the head of the Gurad clan and asked, "Is there anything I can't kill?"

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