Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 1057: Five Great Clan Lords (Part 2)

The clan leader of the Gullard clan solemnly said, "Because the lord behind her is a very powerful and terrifying existence, with the power to influence the trajectory of the earth and the progress of civilization, none of us can offend... So, in any case, Klimoz must not die..."

He still didn't say a word-"At least, you can't die here."

Yu Yue looked at Klimoz who was embarrassed like a madman, smiled, shook her head slightly, and said: "She lost, but didn't admit it. She even dared to threaten Miss Luo in turn. For many holidays, I support Miss Luo to execute the other party according to her own mind. After all, if Miss Luo fails in this battle, Klimoz will certainly not let her go-of course, the possibility of that is very slim."

The clan leader of the Gurad clan stared at him and Luo Yingxue: "Have you ever thought about the consequences?"

Yu Yue said: "It doesn't matter what the consequences are. Miss Luo is my friend, and I should support what she wants to do. I support the person she wants to kill, whether it is the king of heaven or an alien creature. Now, so what?"

Yu Yue's words suddenly changed the expressions of the Five Great Patriarchs and Klimoz.

The head of the Torito clan spoke to persuade him: "Brother Yu, you Huaxia have a saying, "One step back and the sky is brighter." One more friend is better than one more enemy! It is not a wise move to die with our Ouzhou blood clan. ..."

Yu Yue's eyes swept across the audience, and said slowly: "I don't think there is anything unwise. Anyway, this enmity has been formed a long time ago, and it's nothing great."

"Cultivation is not easy, Mo really thinks he is invincible in the world!" The Gangaluo clan leader's face sank, like the endless winter in Northern Europe, and said coldly, "If you really think that you are invincible in the world, we would like to learn and teach you the invincibility. Surgery!"

As soon as these words came out, many people looked at each other. As the leader of a clan and a powerful hero, it is already very inferior to learn from a younger generation. !

It seems that Klimoz's background is really compelling. You must know that Edward, the first young master of the Ouzhou blood clan, was not maintained in this way when he died.

Yu Yue couldn't help but smile, looking at the five chiefs of the Ouzhou blood clan and asked: "Do you really want to learn?"

"I don't know if my brother dare to challenge?" The Gangaluo clan leader stared at Yu Yue, and said slowly, "With my brother's invincibility, you should not be afraid to challenge."

The Pascal clan leader immediately said: "This girl Luo wants to kill Lord Klimoz, we must take action. If the little brother thinks that we can keep Girl Luo, why not fight?"

"If the little brother feels unsure of a battle, then it's fine. Everyone takes a step back and the sky is wide. You let Krimoz-sama, our Ouzhou blood clan will never treat the little brother badly." I added a sentence immediately.

At this time, the three clan masters sang and made harmony, as if they were talking about cross talk, but they dug a hole to make Yu Yue jump down.

This is the word "drag" for them.

Yu Yue waved his hand, and said impatiently: "If it's done, you can fight if you want to fight. What is it."

The five main clans looked at each other.

Yu Yue said: "Miss Luo, do it..."

Luo Yingxue was about to perform the Gu technique, Klimoz suddenly screamed: "What are you going to do when you step on Maade, do it quickly! Do it quickly!"

In an instant, the five great clan masters attacked Luo Yingxue!

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