Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 1064: Blood Demon (Part 1)

Compared to the Pascal clan leader who was alienated into a beast, the Gangelo clan leader is obviously much more elegant. He wears a night gown, drank the "Blood Cup Essence", with blood-colored wings on his back, blocked the world, and killed Yu Yue. !

Everyone could see that the patriarchs had sacrificed their lives and had to eradicate Yu Yue regardless of the cost.

From the sky, the blood wing Gangro and the blood beast Pascal from the ground, with incomparable horror, culled towards Yu Yue!

At the same time, the head of the Gurad clan took the "Sacred Artifacts of the Blood Clan, Blood Spoon", and when the bone altar was damaged, he mobilized the whole body's blood, launched a lifelong cultivation base, and used himself as the altar to recite spells and summon demons. ...

In the face of the horrific outbreak of the two great clan masters and the double cover attack from the sky and the underground, Yu Yue's expression finally became a little more serious.

Extremely powerful gun!

The originally sticky, lightly entangled gun has become extremely strong, destroying the city with one shot, and burning the river with one shot!

Yu Yue, one person with one shot, blocked the onslaught of the two great clan masters who were alienated and perverted by the "Sacred Art of the Blood Race", and quickly counterattacked!

The dragon and the sea cover the waves!

The spear is like a dragon, covering the sea, wave after wave.

The horned dragon sweeps the storm!

With a white spear in hand, like a horned dragon turned over and swept across thousands of horses.

The mad dragon penetrates the heart, and the dragon is in the abyss.

The Five Sacred Mountains broke through the sky, and Long Xiang broke nine days.

The two masters of the blood clan who had knocked the holy medicine, their realm has broken through the prince, and they have been promoted to the realm of the prince, even stronger than the original Carlisle Parsons Vandro.

But even so, they were still beaten by Yu Yue and Bai Qiang so that they couldn't find Bei.

The wings of Blood Wing Gangluo and the horns of Blood Beast Pascal had been broken, and he didn't know how many blood holes had been stabbed in his body, really embarrassed.

Lei Zongying sighed again and again, Yu Yue's strength has far surpassed the grandmaster. If he is said to be a newly promoted grandmaster, then the threshold of the grandmaster will be too high. It is pediatrics.

How many years has it been since Huaxia hasn't been out of the gods?

Now that Yu Yue comes out, it is unknown that Huaxia Martial Arts may lead the world!

Lei Zongying knew that due to his old age and this heavy injury, his martial arts training base would be ruined. It would be good if he could save his life. But when he thought that the motherland of China had a divine realm, his chest was full of pride and excitement. It's indescribable.

The red fox is naturally paying attention to Yu Yue’s battle. Anyway, the two beautiful clan owners here belong to the more watery clan owners. The two add up to one, and the mountain giant made by Nina is in front. Burst hammer, oneself can be completely distracted.

For Yu Yue's battle, she became more and more alarmed as she watched it, too strong! This is too strong!

Earlier I said that Mr. Yu was more sinister and treacherous than a fox, so I really valued myself.

In the face of absolute power, any resourcefulness is nonsense!

And I often think that I will play a few tricks, make a few tricks and slacken my practice. I don’t know that the reason why I live up to now is just fortunate. Fortunately, I have not encountered a really powerful enemy...

Suddenly, Yu Yueheng shot back the two clan masters of the blood clan who had taken drugs and reached the realm of the monarch, and closed their guns.

The two drug-addicting princes vomited a few mouthfuls of blood, and then when you look at me and I look at you, there is first doubt in their eyes, and then more and more shocked.

Both horrified and horrified.

Why didn't Yu Yue pursue it?

Because he wants to hold back his big move, he is going to kill him!

Now, the aura on Yu Yue's body is no longer overpowering, no longer like a storm tearing the world apart, no longer like a raging fire burning mountains and boiling the sea, the wind is calm, even clear and empty.

He was breathing, and he didn't seem to be breathing.

At this moment, with a gun in his hand, he is holding a white gun, not only the human gun is one, he seems to be integrated with this world and this space...

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