Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 1065: Gorefiend (middle)

At this moment, Bloodwing Gangro and Blood Beast Pascal both had the thought of "fleeing" in their eyes, but their bodies did not listen.

Yu Yue pointed his gun directly at the two of them. Although he hadn't moved his gun, his gun power had already enveloped the world, and his gun power had already locked the two of them. At this moment, it seemed that even though the world was big, there was nowhere for the two to escape!

Yu Yue leaned over, the center of gravity sank, holding the tail of the gun with his right hand, the point of the gun was on the ground, and the left hand pushed out along the barrel of the gun. Naturally adjust the spirit to the best and pierce out instantly!

The halloween dragon king breaks!

A shot was fired, like a galaxy falling through the heavens and the earth!

Under this tyrant's incomparable gun power, it was as if the white gun in Yu Yue's hand was no longer a long spear, and became extremely terrifying, as if it had vitality. Before that, it was like a sleeping dragon. , In an instant, the giant dragon opened its shackles, awakened, traversed the sky, and shattered the galaxy!

This is the real dragon slaying gun!

Bloodwing Gangro and Blood Beast Pascal tried their best to escape and the other tried their best to resist, but they both ended up in pieces.

Kill two kings with one shot!

Kill the lord of the two blood clans with one shot!

Before everyone had time to be shocked, the field changed again.

The clan leader of the Gurad clan knew that there was not much time. Seeing the two companions were dead, he didn't care about the completion of the procedure, he directly inserted the "blood spoon" into his chest, used himself as an altar, sacrificed flesh and blood, and summoned the Gorefiend.

His clothes were shattered, and more than a thousand runes were automatically branded on his body, which were not ordinary runes, but magic patterns.

As the "blood spoon" "clicks" on his chest, those runes light up one by one, and waves of terrifying energy gather from nowhere!

The runes on the surface of the body of the Gulade clan master shine brightly, like strange eyes, madly absorbing the terrifying energy from the sacrifice!



There was violent shocks around the valley, and a **** light rose from the head of the Gurad clan up to several hundred meters high. Everyone was bathed in the **** light, and their hair, eyes, face, and body were all reflected crimson.


The Gurad clan advocates a weird whistle, sharp, long, and ear-piercing. His blood gas exploded, and countless muscles in his body swelled, and his skin was torn apart in an instant!

After the skin exploded, the body continued to grow madly outwards, and the blood rose steadily, even if the two blood princes, the blood wing Ganggro and the blood beast Pascal, who ate the holy medicine, were added together, plus Vandro The head of the clan didn't have such a terrifying blood, and many people were scared to vomit.

Soon, the clan leader of the Gurad clan swelled to a height of 100 meters, even taller than the mountain giant made by Nina. It is not known whether the blood demon descended on the clan lord of the Gurad clan or the Gurad clan. The clan leader becomes a blood demon.

A hundred-meter blood demon, with knotted muscles, red-faced fangs, and two large curved horns on the top of his head. There are two rows of eyes on his face, three in each row, for a total of six eyes.

The older generation of strong men from the various clans of the Ouzhou blood clan raised their heads, trembling all over, and said in a dream: "Blood Demon... Lord Gorefiend is here..."

The Gorefiend opened his eyes, shooting **** thunder, wherever he went, no matter the mountain or the human body, no matter the blood or the human race, all were turned into powder!

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