Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 1066: Blood Demon (Part 2)

Even the masters in the human race and the elder-level powerhouses in the blood race were all turned into fly ash when the blood demon's eyes were shining!

The Gorefiend opened his mouth wide, and screamed hard, and the sound of the rolling sound was earth-shaking, and an unknown number of people shook their eyes and bleeds.

Yu You was not afraid, her small mouth opened wide, and she yelled at the Gorefiend, actually resisting the influence of the sound for herself and Jiang Rou.

Yuan Xiaolou grinned, trying to jump down, transform, and beat the yelling guy, but was stopped by Jiang Rou, who was mainly afraid that he would also jump if he jumped.

The roar of the Gorefiend gradually died down, and six eyes widened. The six eyes were full of blood, intertwined with thunder and lightning, and swept away in all directions, sweeping away the unknown masters.

The red fox had to abandon Nina and flew to protect the disciples of the Red Red Society. The six tails opened like a screen to prevent Sima Ao, Lei Zongying and all the disciples from being beheaded by the **** electric fire.

Nina used the mountain giant to sling the two beautiful clan masters, and she showed her confidence and momentum. When she saw that a bigger than herself appeared here, of course she refused. After the clan leader of the Turedo clan, he immediately used a small stone knife to depict the magic circle and mobilize the magic power to make the mountain giant go up to the top and challenge the Gorefiend!

Nina wants to make a big contribution!

The mountain giant raised his hand, and the broken valley seemed to come alive. The sand and rocks in a radius of tens of miles whizzed around, and the broken valley under the Gorefiend turned into a crazy whirling mouth to attract it, and at the same time, the gathered sand and rocks churned. It rises and turns into three extremely thick walls, crashing into the blood demon in the center!




The Gorefiend slammed into the gable wall and was unscathed. Its six eyes flickered and screamed loudly. It rushed to hold the mountain giant and beat it with punch after punch!

Just like that with a punch.

The originally majestic mountain giant had no power to fight back, and was beaten to shatter and split.

The earth and rocks splashed like rain. The three high walls just broke apart, and now the mountain giant burst, many people were beaten to blood.

Klimoz was pressed by a big rock flying high in the sky, and groaned like crying and laughing, in pain.

She was afraid that she would be smashed into her head by a flying stone and die. It would be too useless, and she could only scream in pain, "Hey, what are you doing standing stupid, come and save me! If I die, none of you will have a better life!" "

As the clan lord of the Gurard clan summoned the gorefiend to beat the mountain giant, the two beautiful clan lords of the Ashamite clan and the Toredo clan were able to catch their breath. They were both ashamed, and heard the call of Crimoz. , I felt even more angry in my heart, but knew that this was the truth, so I had to save it, so I had to suffocate the fire and walk over.

As soon as the clan leader of the Torito clan was about to take action, the clan leader of the Ashamite clan stopped her suddenly with his eyes.

Klimoz asked: "Hey, what do you mean?"

The clan leader of the Ashamite clan waved and summoned five strong men from the clan, and the three of them lifted the boulder and the two dragged Klimoz out.

The five followed the order, but when the two burly men touched Klimoz’s body, they immediately turned purple, convulsed their limbs, and vomited pus and blood. They fell to the ground and killed them soon. The other three burly Han was frightened, and the big stone in his hand was loosened and pressed back to Klimoz, the female psychic screamed again and again.

The gorefiend was so fierce that he smashed the 100-meter-high mountain giant to the point that only a dozen meters were left.

Nina was stunned, hiding behind Yu Yue in fright, pushing Luo Yingxue aside with her fleshy buttocks.

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