Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 1067: Devouring (Part 1)

Sure enough, the Gorefiend smashed the mountain giant into a pile of rocks, and turned his spear to Yu Yue and the others.

Its footsteps are heavy, and the world shakes.

Its blood is rushing into the sky, and its magic power is surging.

Everyone was shocked by his horror.

Nina's face was even more pale, and she repeatedly said, "Master Yu, you should do it soon! If you don't do it again, it can crush us with one foot!"

Yu Yue was standing there motionless.

Nina thought to herself, it's broken. Did Master Yu just use a big move to kill the two great patriarchs and hollowed out her body, and now she has no combat power? Should I run by myself?

She glanced at Luo Yingxue next to her, and saw that the female Gu Master's eyes were misty with smoke, but she stood firmly behind Yu Yue with a face full of entanglement.


The Hundred Meters Gorefiend is getting closer, and the overwhelming hand is about to take pictures...

Nina was so frightened that Hua Rong was pale, her urine was about to come out, holding Yu Yue's arm, regardless of whether the full breast pill was squashed, she said anxiously: "Master Yu! Master Yu..."

Yu Yue raised his hand, told her to stop, smiled faintly, and said, "I have been hiding for so long, should I come out? Come out and show my performance."

Nina is a little confused, who is this talking to?


Seeing the big hand of the Gorefiend fell, it was necessary to shoot Yu Yue, Luo Yingxue, and Nina in blood and blood, but just between the electric light and flint, a black shadow burst out with a "swish"!

No one knew where this dark shadow came from, probably except for Yu Yue.

The black shadow leaped high, and someone finally saw that it was a black cat.

The little black cat jumped up to meet the Gorefiend who was several hundred meters in length, and opened his mouth, seeming to want to swallow the behemoth opposite.

Just when many people thought it was impossible or even wanted to laugh, the black cat's small body suddenly swelled many times, turning into a giant net of vines, engulfing the world, and like a huge mouth of horror, swallowing everything, in an instant , The Gorefiend was completely wrapped and swallowed.

? ? ?

! ! !

Everyone is full of question marks or exclamation points.

This scene immediately made everyone stupid. Everyone was stunned. No one would have thought that a black cat would suddenly pop up, and what was even more unexpected was that this little black cat swallowed a huge Gorefiends are just as easy, simple and easy as cats and dogs eat meat. It seems that Gorefiends who are taller than a mountain and kill people like garlic are the fish on the chopping board and the delicious meal on the plate.

At this time, a rattan sphere appeared in the broken valley. It was huge, closed, and silent.

It almost occupies the entire valley, standing there, silent and silent, but it gives people a strong sense of strangeness, strangeness and fear.

Naturally, Yu Yue knew the black cat and knew its abilities, but except for Yu Yue, no one knew its details. They all felt that it had changed, become stronger, and a little stranger.

Except for Yu Yue and Yu You, who is not afraid of the sky, Jiang Rou, Luo Yingxue, Nina, and Yuan Xiaolou are all a little afraid of the huge silent object in front of them, let alone other unknown people.

Yuan Xiaolou looked at the sepak takraw that was so huge in size that he shuddered. This shudder came from animal instincts.

This time it swallowed the Sepak Takraw ball without any movement. The huge Gorefiend summoned by the Gullard clan master who sacrificed himself was swallowed by a strange black cat. There was no one alive, no corpse, or even a whirlwind. Tiny splashes.

Space is dead.

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