Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 1068: Devouring Demon (Part 2)

"This... how is this possible?" The clan masters of the Ashamite clan and the Turedo clan were both lost, and many of the blood clan disciples couldn't come back to their senses.

They can't believe it.

The powerful Gorefiend was swallowed in one bite, just like swallowing a bug. It seemed that he didn't even struggle. What a terrible thing this is!

Many people's views on Yu Yue have changed from being unoptimistic, unoptimistic, and disbelief into awe, both reverence and awe.

He is already so strong, and there is still a hole card that hasn't been shown. How can this person be so scheming at a young age?

Red Fox looked at Yu Yue and started thinking about the relationship between power and resourcefulness.

In a way, resourcefulness is also a form of power.

But there is a problem. The so-called "absolute power" depends on the degree of "absolute". If you are absolutely invincible and can ignore all rules and regulations, then wisdom is just a joke in front of it.

Otherwise, generally speaking, power is relative, there is no absolute invincibility, and intelligence rises to a certain height, that is wisdom, the true great wisdom believes in infinity, and will not set limits on yourself and others.

If a person possesses both great power, advanced strategy, and even wisdom, he may be truly invincible.

Mr. Yu, is he like that?

The red fox shook his head.

She doesn't know if Mr. Yu is such a person, but she knows that Mr. Yu is undoubtedly a terrible person.

No wonder Brother Mountain Pig is quite jealous of him in his words...

The huge sepak takraw like a small satellite stopped in place, motionless and silent.

Yu Yue knew that Kunkun was focusing on digesting the blood demons. Compared with the clan master of the Fanzhuo clan, the blood demons were obviously more powerful, and Kunkun was no longer what it used to be.

He broke the silence and said to Luo Yingxue: "Miss Luo, now, do what you want to do."

Although Luo Yingxue's pretty face was confused and cute, she already understood what Yu Yue meant.

She nodded, seemingly obedient, and walked Xuenen barefoot around the huge sepak takraw to kill Klimoz.

Nina encircled her chest with her hands around her chest, a look of swelling, she didn't know that such squeezing made her chest fuller and more gushing, making people spurt blood.

She is very dissatisfied with Master Yu’s “partiality” of Luo Yingxue. Although she knows that Yu is a family member and she cannot have a chance, she still feels sour when watching him help Luo Yingxue overcome all difficulties and help Luo avenge her anger. .

Luo Ying Xuelian moved lightly and walked towards Climoz step by step.

Klimoz was crushed by a boulder half of her body, no one was rescued, unable to save herself, and those who touched her would be poisoned to death by the residual Gu poison on her body.

Seeing the female Gu master approaching again, Klimoz was terrified.

However, this time, the clan leader of the Ashamite clan and the clan director of the Touredo clan pretended to be deaf and dumb, and no longer defended them.

The clan owners of the eight major clans of the Ouzhou blood clan, except for the Modresa clan who did not oppose Yu Yue, now only two have died.

Just now, the five big clan masters couldn't stop them, but now what can the two most popular products do?

Yu Yue said that Luo Yingxue's life was for Klimoz, and no one could keep it.

Although the flowers of the two clan masters and sisters are watery, they are not stupid. They don't want to die.

Luo Yingxue walked unimpeded all the way to Klimoz, looking at Klimoz who was about to collapse, the girl couldn't help but think about a question-is it to give her a pleasure or to torture her?

At this time, the spatial vibration was not a simple earthquake, nor was it a separate spatial bubble vibration, but the entire Stonehenge secret realm was trembling.

This kind of tremor is heart palpitating and shaking...

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