Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 1069: Blood Progenitor (Part 1)

"Can't kill her..."

A cold voice came, like a dead man crawling up from the ground.

Such a voice is not appropriate to describe it as "half alive", but it is lifeless and lifeless.

However, such a voice clearly reached the ears of everyone present, chilling and chilling.

Klimoz's twisted face showed joy, and he laughed wildly: "It's the blood ancestor... the blood ancestor is here! You are over, you are dead! And I, whoever steps on Maade will not want to kill me again!"

Yu Yue said: "Kill!"

With the support and encouragement of Yu Yue, Luo Yingxue's misty eyes lit up if a big star appeared, killing all his intent, releasing the "five poisonous Gu"-snakes, scorpions, centipedes, geckos, and toads in one breath.

If you are bitten by these "five poisons," I'm afraid that the gods will be hard to save.

It’s a pity that the “five poisons” failed to bite Klimoz, and Klimoz’s body was covered in blood light. The five poisonous insects touched the blood light shield and immediately squeaked like a fire. Turn into coke.

Luo Yingxue was bitten back, vomiting blood.

The blood in front of her was full of blood and her face was red, and she was extremely dangerous. She retreated with pain and violently. Due to her unstable body, she fell and fell with her clean and white feet upturned into the sky. She was very embarrassed.

Yu Yue stepped forward and helped her up.

Klimoz floated into the air in the package of the blood-colored shield, and the boulder that was pressing on her had long been shattered.

The scarlet shield not only has a protective effect, but also seems to have a healing and nourishing effect. Klimoz has been able to slowly straighten up and even stand up.

Her dark green dress was already torn and ragged, and her almost naked snow-white body had many snakes and insect fangs and sting marks, and her hair was messy.

But she didn't care about the embarrassment and the spring light leaking. Standing in the floating scarlet shield, a face that had collapsed to the point where it could not be used for expression management gradually became arrogant.

Klimoz arrogantly looked down at the people below, mainly Yu Yue and Luo Yingxue.

Laughed loudly and said: "Hahahaha... just because you want to kill me? Wishful thinking!"

Beside her, there was an old man who did not know when, an old man with thin white hair and skinny all over, an old man with wrinkled and no trace of blood on his face.

At first glance, this old man looked like someone who had only one breath left. Such an old man had difficulty walking, and would fall down when the wind blows, and it would take a long time to breathe.

Such a dying old man should have lived in an intensive care unit waiting for the end of his life, or lay in a coffin and buried himself in the soil.

But now, he appeared in the space bubble of the secret realm of Stonehenge, standing above the broken valley.

No one knows when he came, and no one knows where he came from.

It's such an old man, who looks weak and can't help but stands in the air, giving people a feeling of fear.

His skinny body shrank coldly, like a giant dragon entrenched in its domineering body.

When his drowsy old eyes were slightly squinted, a terrifying divine light flashed, his eyes opened and closed, seeming to destroy everything.

Anyone who sees the old man in front of him will not take him lightly because of his old, thin body. On the contrary, when he sees this old man, he doesn't know how many people are terrified of him.

The only two remaining on the scene, Ashika and Rosalia, the clan masters of the Ouzou blood clan, both knelt down, and the elders of the major clans knelt down, the Gurad clan, the Gangelo clan, the Pascal clan, and the Ashamai The strong men of the Te clan, the Torito clan, and the Modresa clan knelt down one after another. In the end, all the blood disciples knelt on the ground, worshiped the old man in the sky, and shouted: "Congratulations to the blood ancestors——"

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