Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 1070: Blood Progenitor (middle)

The red moon hangs high.

An old man standing under the red moon and above ten thousand people, worshipped by thousands of people, the scene is not unspectacular.

The kinsmen at the scene, whether they were from Ouzhou or other continents, bowed down sincerely.

They felt sincere and fearful in their hearts, and they felt that the Three Lives were fortunate to see and be saved by the blood ancestor. Isn't it a great fortune in their lives?

In their opinion, when the blood ancestor was born, there was nothing in the world that could threaten the blood clan, not even Yu Yue.

The human race at the scene, although they are basically standing, are already scared to the ground.

"This...Is this the blood ancestor?" The old man's aura is too strong, vast and distant, making people tremble and fearful.

They believe that as long as the old man is willing, one hand can destroy everything here, and no one can stop it.

As for Klimoz, the blood ancestor could actually be born for her, what kind of background she is, it is simply unimaginable!

"Blood ancestor, please kill him! That kid, not only to insult your disciples and grandchildren, but even you and me are not even in your eyes! If you are not born again, he will even want to uproot the foundation of the blood family for thousands of years. !" Klimoz pointed downwards, and immediately shook his lips and provoked discord.

The old man nodded, looked down below, and said feebly: "Junior, you can be proud of me even if I die here today, what else do you...what else?"

"Old Blood Ancestor, are you finally out?" Yu Yue squinted at the dying old man, and said with a slight smile.

His name shocked everyone, how dare he be so disrespectful to the blood ancestor!

Just listen to him continue: "My grievances with your kin can be counted aside, even for your birthday, but Crimoz, you must hand her over today, because I said However, her life belongs to Miss Luo, and even you can't keep it."

Although his words were plain and his tone was very calm, he heard it in the ears of everyone, but there was a kind of overbearing domineering.

He really didn't put the blood ancestor in his eyes!

Seeing Yu Yue's view, Klimoz shuddered by the other's peaceful eyes, and tried to shrink behind the blood ancestor, but the blood-colored shield was beyond her control.

Anxiously said: "Blood Ancestor, you must not hand me over. You also know that I came to help your blood clan by the order of that adult. If I die here, I am afraid..."

The blood ancestor gently raised his hand, indicating that she didn't need to say much.

Yu Yue looked at the blood ancestor and asked, "It seems that there is no discussion?"

The blood ancestor shook his head, and his sparse white hair fluttered in the air, like the tentacles of a jellyfish.

His attitude is very obvious. He must protect Crimoz, and this has not been discussed.

"Okay!" Yu Yue stepped up into the sky and came to the blood ancestor, "If that's the case, let's do it. The rules of the rivers and lakes, the fist has the final say."

Klimoz almost didn't pee when he saw him suddenly come before him.

The blood ancestor laughed: "What a ‘fist-finished decision’ many years, how many years no one has spoken to me like this..."

He looked squarely at Yu Yue and smiled: "Activating the old bones on the birthday is also a good choice... Junior, do it, I hope you don't disappoint me..."

As he said, his white hair was fluttering, and his black clothes were flying, and the dying frail old man seemed to have a sense of war in an instant.

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