Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 1075: Protect (Part 1)

Yu Yue used the power of the heavens and the earth to launch a spear-breaking attack that was beyond the reach of ordinary martial arts.

Immediately afterwards, Yu Yue's spear power changed again and became extremely elusive. It was as fast as the wind, as fast as the forest, invading like fire, immovable like a mountain, hardly known as yin, and moving like thunder. Grab the town and focus on the masses, divide the land and benefit, and move on without power.

Then launched the "Hundred Strikes of the Liaoyuan", at the expense of the real yuan, one shot is a continuous chain, endless, first like violent-wind-storm-rain, and then like waves of thousands of weights, and the spear shadow envelopes the magic puppet lady. The tall body of two meters and nine meters violently attacked the opponent with rushing waves of guns. The guns were tumbling and rolling, like a prairie fire, and like a stormy waves hitting the shore and rolling up a thousand piles of snow.

This move is extremely sharp and overbearing, but the delicate parts are like embroidery needles, which can accurately hit the main points of the human body, flash through the body with "cold power" and "inch power", instantly dissipating the enemy's combat power.

Mrs. Magic Puppet was originally a doll, an unconventional human body, and Yu Yue accurately hit her joints and body joints in an attempt to achieve a "crush" effect.

Sure enough, after a wave of gun waves, Madame Demon's figure became stiff, like a jammed machine, losing ground on offense and defense.

Yu Yue immediately resorted to the "gun-pick style", Daqiao Ruo clumsily jumped from bottom to top, using the white gun barrel as a lever to pick up the magic puppet lady who was more than oneself taller.

Immediately afterwards, he turned around, put the pure white spear in his back, and exchanged his left and right hands with the momentum of the rotation to concentrate the energy of the whole person, condense the power of the earth and the turbidity of the sky, and the air of the turbid chaos in a single shot to prepare to shoot. !

At this moment, the blood ancestor suddenly killed him. He had already used the "Blood Clan Sacred Artifact · Corpse Hand" for his own use. At this time, he drove the "Blood Hand" to grab Yu Yue, instantly, like a strong claw of a mountain range. Zi squeezed Yu Yue in his hands, together with his crit!

At the same time, a large amount of blood poured into Mrs. Doll's body through the red moon like no money. Mrs. Doll seemed to be resurrected, her eyes bursting with blood, a strange smile appeared at the corners of her mouth, she suddenly waved her **** and rushed up. Biting Yu Yue's shoulder in one bite!

Although the lady's red lips are not a big mouth, but being bitten is definitely not a fragrant scene.

Madam Demon Puppet's teeth can eat iron and break the mountain, even the master can't resist it.

Add "the first holy artifact of the blood family·Left hand of Cain, the first ancestor of the blood family in the legend"...

"The Mouth of the Magic Puppet" and "Cain's Left Hand" were already biting on Yu Yue's body at this time, and Yu Yue encountered an unprecedented crisis.

Everyone was shocked, and said in their hearts that, as expected, the "Sacred Vessel of the Blood Race" was not a vain name, depending on whose hands it was used.

For example, "Blood Clan's First Sacred Artifact · Corpse Hand", previously in the hands of the so-called Ouzhou Clan's First Young Master Edward, I am afraid that even one-thousandth of the power has not been exerted, and he bears four "Blood Clan Sacred Artifacts". "It was still shot by Yu Yue.

However, now that the blood ancestor was born, with only a "corpse hand" and a "demon puppet", Yu Yue could be suppressed to death.

Blood ancestor, worthy of blood ancestor, too strong...

Nina looked around from the black copper furnace, saw this scene, thought it was two-on-one, and cursed: "Mist grass, despicable!"

Luo Yingxue didn't move her mouth, but directly moved her hands, summoning a bus-like giant wind centipede to the station, riding the wind into the sky like flying a kite.

Nina exclaimed, "Hey, what are you doing?

Luo Yingxue did not respond to her, her misty eyes had star-like radiance, and she rushed towards the blood ancestor without looking back!

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