Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 1076: Protect (middle)

Almost everyone knows that not everyone can intervene in the battle between Yu Yue and the blood ancestor. Although Yu Yue seems to be at a disadvantage, the blood ancestor did not take it lightly. Every blow was serious, and it came to them. Realm, every confrontation is equivalent to disaster. You can vomit blood if you stand on the periphery, let alone rush into the core of the storm? That's a joke about his own life!

Luo Yingxue was not kidding, she didn't think too much at all, she just wanted to help Yu Yue.

However, when she stepped onto the ugly giant flying centipede with her beautiful lotus feet, she was blocked by two sister flowers, the clan leader of the Ashamite clan and the clan leader of the Torito clan.

"Although the blood ancestor kills you like an ant, we must not allow you to be presumptuous! If you want to help Yu Yue, you must pass our level first!" The two beautiful clan masters babbled, incarnate two blood pythons. Luo Yingxue entangled it.

The female Gu master only said one word: "Get out!"

Her magical power erupted, and her purple and blue light beams gleamed. The anklet "Purple Star", the "Purple Lotus", the magical item "Purple Snow Yingyue", and the magical item "Blue Dragon Ball" were activated at the same time, summoning the sky spider, Yuchan, Spirit Snake, and Holy Scorpion attacked their opponents.

The clan lord of the Ashamite clan and the clan lord of the Turedo clan are the only two clan lords who have achieved fruitful results on the scene. Of course, they want to behave in front of the blood ancestors. If they can be appreciated by the blood ancestors and become descendants of the blood ancestors, their power status will be even greater. Furthermore, it is unknown whether the Ouzhou blood clan is in charge.

Therefore, the second daughter gave her up, tried her best to block frantically, even if Luo Yingxue drove the "Five Saints of Township Education", it would be difficult to break through for a while.

Suddenly at this moment, a wind blade in the oblique thorn pierced through the void and slashed towards the clan master of the Ashamite clan!


The wind blade was so fierce that the clan master of the Ashamed clan couldn't dodge it. The blood python phantom around his body was directly cut out of countless cracks, and its body was also tottering in the air.

The two beautiful clan owners were shocked, and in a blink of an eye, it was the red fox releasing a long-range attack.

I don’t have time to think about it. The second wave of Red Fox’s attack has arrived. This time it was not a simple wind blade, but with a raging fire. The flame knife pierced the sky and instantly smashed the blood python around the master of the Turedo clan. The phantom, the beautiful clan lord fell down, and the Ashamite clan lord hurriedly rescued.

Everyone was amazed, the strength of the two beautiful clan masters is certainly water, but the six-tailed black fox is too strong, it almost killed one in a long-range sniper!

Of course, the blow of the Red Fox just now broke out a lifelong cultivation base.

In order to take care of the Qinghonghui disciples, she can't fight close to her body, so she can only stand at a distance to provide fire support.

She said: "I'll hold them, and you can help Mr. Yu!"

Luo Yingxue nodded in greeting, and replied, "Thank you!"

Continue to control the wind centipede and ride the wind.

When Yu Yue encountered the suppression of the double sacrificial artifacts of the blood race, seeing Luo Yingxue struggling to approach, he yelled with excitement, "Go away, don't come over! Go away!"

He had never been so excited even if he had fallen into a dead end.

Unexpectedly, Luo Yingxue did not retreat but instead advanced, a smile appeared on her pretty face: "You Daoyou Yu, you said that I can poison the gods and demons in the future, so I will try with the blood ancestor today... "

With that said, she drove the "Five Saints of Town and Education" spider, jade toad, wind centipede, spirit snake, and holy scorpion to attack the blood ancestors, and at the same time, the beautiful naked-foot-driving thing was replaced by a group of colorful butterflies.

Yu Yue was slightly startled, did she remember the original thing?

Looking at her eyes again, the mist in her eyes has gradually thinned out, and it seems that she will regain her wit...

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