Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 1082: War Blood Progenitor (middle)

After passing through a long tunnel that was sticky and slippery like blood vessels, everyone left the secret space and returned to the Salisbury Plain in Wiltshire, Eagle Country, back to the boring scenic spot where the ring-shaped boulders stood tall.

It seems that although the scenic spot is boring, it is at least relatively safe outside.

Outside the secret realm, no one left first, and the crowd was naturally divided into three camps: the blood camp, the human camp, the supervision bureau, and the church camp.

Among them, the blood family camp has the largest number.

At this time, the huge red moon dominated the night sky, and people were bathed in scarlet blood, silently waiting for the results of the battle in the secret realm.


The secret realm of Stonehenge, the space bubble of the monitor lizard valley.

When all the non-combatants were evacuated, Yu Yue looked at the big stone turtle lying in the pile of broken rocks and asked, "You won't go?"

Shi Gui raised his head, slowly glanced at the old and the young standing in the sky, and said: "How many years have I lived here, where do I not want to go..."

Yu Yue sighed: "I'm sorry, it ruined your home..."

Shi Gui also sighed: "Hey...this is also something that can't be helped..."

Xuezu quietly listened to the conversation between Yu Yue and Shigui, his eyes narrowed slightly: "I should have thought that you are not a mortal."

Yu Yue grinned and said, "What kind of **** is there to think of early or late? In short, those who stand in my way will kill me!"

The blood ancestor also laughed: "Junior, you are very good. Not only did you not disappoint me, but you also gave me a lot of surprises! Come on, this battle is endless!"

At this moment, the blood ancestors were high in fighting spirit, arrogantly flying above the sky, and the red moon hung in the air, swelling to the extent of terrifying shock, like a heart about to explode.

And the breath of the blood ancestor fills the space, which is extremely terrifying. Fortunately, there is no one else here, otherwise I don't know how many people will be lying on the ground and unable to stand up.

He opened the blood ring round after round, like a **** standing high in the kingdom of God, and every ray of his blood was like crushing stars.

Compared with the blood ancestor, Yu Yue is more like a demon. He has a mad expression, full of yellow and green hairs. He does not use a white spear or "blue dragon ball". You die and die!"

The blood ancestor simply abandoned the "corpse hand" and fought with Yu Yue bare-handed.


Although the two of them did not rely on foreign objects, the force bursting out of this confrontation was better than before, one after another mountain peaks collapsed, and one valley after another was filled.

After Yu Yuexue Ancestor fought for a few rounds, this space bubble was directly dried up, and the two moved to another space bubble in the secret realm.

This is a piece of lava veins, lava flowing, galloping vertically and horizontally, winding for thousands of miles.

The temperature here is scorching, making it extremely difficult to breathe.

Under the blood ancestor is the lava river. The fiery flames reflected on his old face. He said: "Use weapons, otherwise I don't know when to hit..."

Yu Yue let out a "um", summoning the White Spear and the "Blue Dragon Ball".

The blood ancestor summoned six sacrificial artifacts of the blood race in one breath-"corpse hand", "trick lamp", "corrupt bracelet", "angel thorn", "poison bottle" and "blood cup" to arm themselves.

The "poison bottle", "blood cup" and "tricky lamp" are tempered to wear poisonous blood armor, wearing a "corrupted bracelet" and holding an "angel thorn" on the right hand, and the left hand is directly replaced with "Cain's left hand".

Immediately, this somewhat wretched little old man became stalwart, like a god.

Yu Yue sneered: "If more is useful, then can't the ants bring down the elephant?"

He took out the "Wuji Apricot and Yellow Flag" and merged with the White Spear and the "Blue Dragon Ball" to obtain a "three-pointed two-edged knife".

The three-pointed and two-edged knife is a long weapon. The handle is more than half a person high. The body of the knife is three-pointed and two-edged, resembling a gun and a fork. The whole weapon is in three colors-green handle, yellow blade, and white. Blade.

"Come again!" The blood ancestor did not talk nonsense, fully armed, and shot again!

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