Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 1083: War Blood Progenitor (Part 2)

Boom boom boom boom—

The heavily armed blood ancestor stepped down, the sky was shaken, and then a roar erupted, the entire sky turned into a sea of ​​flames, and volcanoes erupted and sprayed endless magma into the sky. This is simply a ruined apocalypse. scene.

Suddenly, heaven and earth changed drastically, endless volcanoes erupted, and sky fire burned thousands of miles of void.

When the endless volcano erupted, Yu Yue's eyes condensed, and he cut out with knives in both hands. He heard a loud noise, the void collapsed, the volcanoes burst, and black smoke billowed.

The blood ancestor stepped out step by step, heaven and earth beating for his rhythm, and the void was distorted like a wave.

The two clash, violent waves of terror and collision, whether it is a volcano or a lava river, they are quickly beaten into a mess, and this space bubble is collapsed before it lasts for long.

The two fought from the monitor lizard valley to the lava vein, and from the lava vein to the plain meadow.

Until the grassland turned into a desert, the two came to Shiling Great Lake to soak in the space.

The shore of the lake that was originally piled with stone spirits was now empty, with only a large lake left.

In the fierce and messy terrifying battle, the originally healed wound in Yu Yue's chest opened again, and the magical image inside it moved stupidly.

And Yu Yue's movements gradually became distorted and stagnant, suppressed by the blood ancestor, and fell into a disadvantage.

The blood ancestor seized the opportunity, and the six saintly artifacts of the blood clan pouring out, slamming Yu Yue down into the big lake.

At this time, the blood ancestor, with a red moon on his head, a sea of ​​blood, is vast and endless, a drop of blood can crush the mountains, if there are angels in the world, I am afraid he will be slaughtered clean.

He looked down at Yu Yue who had fallen into the lake, and suddenly became indifferent and depressed: "You are very strong and a respectable opponent, but unfortunately, your state is very unstable and you are doomed to death."

There is a sense of regret in the tone, it is rare that there will be an opponent who can be worthy of a battle, but it is a pity that he will die soon.

Yu Yue lay on the lake, shaking uncontrollably.

At this time, he could still laugh.

He smiled and asked, "Oh? Really?"

The blood ancestor said: "Of course. This is the territory of the blood race. I am here, and I will never lose!"

Yu Yue smiled and said, "Hey, what you said reminded me that for me, this secret realm is a place without secrets..."

The blood ancestor didn't understand what he meant, but he was not ready to talk any more, he would launch the final killer move.

At this time, the red moon on the blood ancestor's head swelled crazily, and an endless sea of ​​blood emerged behind it. The three sacrificial artifacts of the "corpse hand", "corrupt bracelet" and "angel thorn" were shot at the same time.

"Go!" At this time, Yu Yueru was a madman, tearing open his chest with both hands, and actively released the body monster in his body.


In the loud noise, the demon shadow soared to the sky, and collided with the blood ancestor who had suffered the killer!

Yu Yue endured the incomparable emptiness and weakness, and forcibly sank into the lake.

If anyone could see him at this time, he would be surprised and speechless.

Because he sank into the middle of the lake, he even swallowed the water with his open chest, like a long whale sucking water.

As the water of the big lake was swallowed into Yu Yue's chest, the yellow and green hairs on his body began to grow wildly, and plunged into the deep lake bottom like magic roots.

Not long after, long hair like magic roots dragged something from the bottom of the lake.

That is a mountain, a white mountain.

Yu Yue swallowed almost half of the lake and dragged Baishan to the surface.

Above the water, the space has basically been beaten to pieces, and the blood ancestor body demons are fighting vigorously.

Yu Yue took a glance at the two of them, shaking his hair, and smashing the pure white mountain into the air!

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