Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 1084: Zhanyue (Part 1)

Baishan smashed, the blood ancestor quickly avoided, the body demon's reaction was slow for a while, and he was smashed!

In an instant, the pure white mountains turned into thousands of thunders, smashing and refining the body demons.

In the white thunder light lingering, a black fire floated in the void.

At this moment, Yu Yue jumped up and swallowed the black fire in spite of Bai Lei's tumbling.

The black fire is still full of magic, seeming to be able to burn the sky and destroy the universe, but now Yu Yue has inhaled half of the water from the big lake in his chest and abdomen. Boiling in general.

You must know that the water of the Shiling Lake is not ordinary lake water. It is at the core of the secret realm of Stonehenge. It is accompanied by many stone spirits and has extraordinary spiritual power. In other words, the water of this big lake is almost the rich aura of Shi Ling. It is liquefied to a certain extent.

And that pure white mountain was the mountain where the white giant spear (Langinus' Spear) was previously inserted. For how many years, as the base of the holy spear, it was naturally not an ordinary mountain, possessing extraordinary sacred power.

Yu Yue took the risk once again, using the mountains and rivers in this secret realm to deal with the body demons, and at the same time again used the blood ancestors.

In the shattered sky, Yu Yue used secret methods to suppress the demons.

From his cracked chest, you can see that the black fire and the water of Shiling Lake fused and fought, and finally turned into a dark purple slurry suspended in the chest cavity. With the sound of clank, his body formed a series of unparalleled laws. The chain of gods trapped the black-purple slurry, and finally sucked it up like a root system.

At this point, Yu Yue's body is prosperous, and the shadows rise and fall, like a god, illuminating the world and suppressing the eternal monsters.

His chest closed, and the creepy wounds all over his body were completely healed.

At this time, his body seemed intact and ordinary, but it gave people a feeling of being as broad and thick as the central earth, tall and tall and full of business like the sacred tree of the East.

The blood ancestor was already out of anger, was calculated and used for the second time, and was used as a tool for the second time. How did the dignified blood ancestor ever endure such humiliation? Is it tolerable?

Unfortunately, he is no longer Yu Yue's opponent.

The body demon returns to the Yuan, the body grows into the soul, the fullness and the emptiness are great, and the great perfection is achieved.

Yu Yue was very satisfied with his perfection through the body tribulation and the immortal body, but still couldn’t help but said with emotion: “Mortals cultivate the immortal body, which is not tolerated by the law of heaven. If you don’t take advantage of this secret realm without secrets, plus your blood ancestors The old man helped me, this body is still somewhat troublesome..."

The blood ancestor shot out in a rage, he vowed to kill this horrible kid!

In the face of a volcanic storm-like terrorist attack, Yu Yue recovered from the wind and calmness, took a three-pointed two-edged sword, and the spirits and spirits complemented each other, condensed and settled, and cut it out with a single knife!

With a stab, Wan Lai was completely silent.

As if time and space were cut by this knife...

I don't know how long, the moment is still a thousand years, and suddenly, the red moon splits in two, like a huge heart, split, then shattered and dissipated.

The blood venom armor on the blood ancestor shattered suddenly, and the five sacrificial artifacts of the blood race, the "trick lamp," "poison bottle," "blood cup," "corrupt bracelet," and "angel thorn," were all cracked. The blood ancestor left.

The naked body of the blood ancestor seemed to be aging for a hundred years, twisted and curled up floating in the dark void filled with blood clouds.

-The space bubble of Shiling Great Lake has also been broken.

He looked at Yu Yue and asked weakly, "Who are you... on earth?"

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