Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 1085: Zhanyue (middle)

"Who on earth are you...?"

Yu Yue shook his head and said, "It doesn't matter who I am. What matters is that you lose."

"Indeed, you are better than me, but..." The blood ancestor said with a sullen face, but sneered, "You can't kill me. My vitality has been refined to the gods, even if you destroy my body and destroy my soul, as long as There is a ray of blood, and I am immortal!"

Yu Yue looked at him gently: "Of course I know. It's just that if I want to kill you, that's not a problem."

As soon as the words fell, the blood ancestor discovered with horror that his pale skin was rapidly scorching black, his skinny side was even more angrily, his internal organs were declining, and his most proud of the vitality also showed signs of decay.

The blood ancestor was shocked and stunned, and then reacted, this is poison, it is the poison planted by the desperate female Gu master sneak attack to save Yu Yue!

I used to forcefully suppress the toxicity by relying on the realm of strength. Unexpectedly, after Yu Yue had gone through the body robbery, the immortal body, and the moon with a knife, his state fell to the bottom, and the poison that he had not cared about could not be suppressed. It broke out and aimed at the blood, which was terrible.

Yu Yue exclaimed: "The Gu Poison in your body is capable of destroying the blood, even if you are a godlike blood, you will be defeated in a few years. Miss Luo is indeed a genius in the way of cultivating the way of Gu poison. I was wrong. I actually want her to abandon the Gu cultivating immortal, and give up the witch Gu cultivating the immortal body..."

The blood ancestor squeezed the last trace of power to suppress the Gu poison, completely refusing to refute it.

Yu Yue continued: "Even if you are not poisoned, I still have a way to make you die... For example, let it swallow it into your stomach and digest it into dregs."

At this moment, a black cat jumped out from nowhere, squatting on Yu Yue's shoulders and staring at the extremely embarrassed Blood Ancestor with those bi-faint eyes.

The blood ancestor was suddenly terrified. Even though he was seriously injured and dying and tired of fighting against the poison in his body, he still felt fear instinctively, a kind of fear that came from the soul.

This kind of fear, he only felt when the adult came.

Kunkun, the black cat, has swallowed and digested the Gorefiend. Although he and Gorefiend are not the same, he does not doubt that he will be swallowed.

The black cat Kunkun stared at the blood ancestor, licked his tongue, salivating.

However, it hates the gu poison in the blood ancestor, and hopes that Master Yu can let Miss Luo detoxify him...

The blood ancestor was finally desperate. Yu Yue was not better than himself. Yu Yue still had a lot of assassins that he hadn't used. He still had helpers, such as the Supreme Master, such as this terrible cat, and the Chinese side.

And myself, the end of the road...

He asked despairingly: "You...what do you want?"

Yu Yue said: "Actually, I don't want to kill you."

"Huh??" The black cat Kunkun had a question mark on his face.

Isn't my meal gone?

Yu Yue glanced at the black cat and said, "You can't eat anymore. If you eat again, some things may lose control..."

Kunkun, the black cat, shook his spirits, Master Yu was always on guard against me, and at the same time, he was reminding and warning me that being a cat should not be too greedy...

Look at the fate of the blood ancestor, tut tut, pitiful...

Yu Yue didn't care what the guy on his shoulder thought, he looked at the incomparable blood ancestor, smiled slightly, and said, "Now, let's talk about it..."

The blood ancestor was scorched and decayed, and the body that had already lost its vitality could not help but tremble, feeling like a lamb to be slaughtered...

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