Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 1086: Zhanyue (Part 2)

The time is slightly pushed forward by ten minutes.

Salisbury Plain.

Although there are many people around the ring-shaped columns, the atmosphere is very dull. Everyone is waiting in silence, waiting for a result.

I don’t know how long it took, some people couldn’t hold back their breath and asked: "Who will win... after all?"

"The blood ancestor must have won!" Klimoz looked up at the huge red moon in the night sky, and said loudly, "The blood ancestor is the ancestor of the blood clan and the strongest existence in Ouzhou, how could it be possible that Yu Yue Is his opponent?"

All the blood disciples nodded together, in their minds, blood ancestors were equal to gods.

"The legend has it that the blood ancestor has surpassed the realm of the monarch, as long as he is there, our Ouzhou blood clan will not be threatened, and sooner or later, the whole world will be unified!" The blood ancestors of the clan elders are quite optimistic, with a smile.

In contrast, the human race is even more boring, even some strong human races have to admit that the blood ancestor is indeed strong, and Yu Yue is too young.

"Does Master Yu really lose?" Nina said in a trembling voice with red eyes.

Lei Zongying's face sank like water, and she sighed in her heart.

Jiang Rou was holding the sleepy Yuyou with tears in her eyes, and her soft lips were bitten and bleeding.

Just when the human camp was a little sad, someone said: "Since the blood ancestor will win and Yu Yue will lose, then why not take this opportunity to clean up Yu Yue's comrades, so as not to worry about the blood ancestor winning!"

It was Klimoz who was talking.

As soon as she finished speaking, many kinship disciples immediately looked towards the human camp, mainly Yu You, Jiang Rou, Luo Yingxue and others, Yu Yue's daughter partners.

For a while, the atmosphere seemed to be a little different, and the dull air suddenly became anxious and dangerous.

Indeed, Klimoz is the one who the blood ancestors must personally protect. What she said is weighty anyway, and among the blood disciples, there are not a few people who want to take advantage of the opportunity to perform. In their opinion, It is undoubtedly a credit to slaughter Yu Yue's accomplices and not add blockage to the blood ancestors.

Seeing the kinship disciples about to move, Red Fox stepped forward and said: "Mr. Yu's friend is our friend. If you dare to start, Qinghong will never sit idly by!"

There was a lot of discussion among the Qinghonghui disciples, and some people thought that she could not represent the opinions of the whole hall and could not drag everyone into danger.

The Red Fox was filled with righteous indignation, resisting public opinion, and cursed: "Our lives are all saved by Mr. Yu. Now Mr. Yu's relatives and friends are in trouble. If we don't help each other, we are the children of Hongmen, we are inferior to beasts!"

Being scolded by a fox as "inferior to a beast," some Cyan Red Club disciples bowed their heads in shame.

Klimoz laughed, and continued to instigate and said: "The mere overseas Hongmen are not to be feared. Who dares to stop the journey of the great blood race, then crush them!"

I have to say that the words of the female spiritual warlock Klimoz are extremely inciting, and many kinship disciples have come up, shouting the slogan "Make the kinship great again", and they are ready to embrace and tear the few women and children.

Anyway, there are more people and less people, and by the way, the credit of destroying overseas Hongmen will be even greater.

Galbion couldn't help but worry about Nina's safety. He plucked up the courage to persuade his boss to come forward, even if he didn't help, at least he would reconcile the conflict.

The three deputy chief inspectors were silent. Like the two cardinals, they were hesitant in their hearts.

If the supervision bureau and the church speak out, the kinsmen must be more or less scrupulous, the situation of rattling swords may be alleviated, and a tragedy may be avoided.

However, if the blood ancestors finally prevailed and angered the supervision bureau and the church, why should they bear such consequences?

Cardinal Asalut even thought about whether to help the blood race against the human race to balance the previous mistakes...

And just when one of the three camps remained silent and one side was sharpening the knife against the other, someone shouted: "Red moon...The red moon has disappeared!"

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