Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 1087: After the war (on)

Everyone looked up, and saw that the huge red moon that originally dominated the night sky and even reversed the yin and yang made all the strange **** huge red moon gradually dim.

Bleak and dull.

Like a candle in the wind, it goes out as soon as it blows.

The extinguished red moon quickly disappeared, and the night passed, and the real light shed on the world. It was not early morning, but noon.

The sun was shining and warm at noon.

Although most of the kinship elites present at the scene, the kinship disciples who have cultivated to a certain level are not afraid of the sun, but all of them are now pale and worried.

Klimoz said with a strong smile: "The sun rises and the moon sets, it is normal. The red moon is not the representative of the blood ancestor...maybe it is the blood ancestor. The old man won a great victory and received the power of the gods, so the red moon disappeared..."

Although some people think so too, most of the blood race disciples don't have the thought of doing it. The unknown is frightening, and uncertainty is anxious.

When the earth began to shake, the huge stone formation began to collapse and shatter, and people became more panicked.

Although it’s nothing compared to the battles of the superpowers in the secret realm, and the collapse of dozens of tons of huge boulders is nothing, but it is an important scenic spot after all, and it is still very frightening to be destroyed so suddenly. People were shocked and horrified.

Time passed by one minute and one second, and I don’t know how long it took. When the millennium stone formation covering an area of ​​about 11 hectares was turned into rubble, the space suddenly tore a crack, and a huge tortoise stuck out its head, and then it was huge. Body.

It was a huge stone turtle with a naked young man standing on its back.

A young man with black eyes and black hair, with a black cat squatting on his shoulders.

The stone tortoise flew out of the cracks in the space and landed on the ground, pushing away the billowing smoke and air currents, disturbing people's clothes and hair.

The young man took the black cat and jumped off the high turtle back, Feng Xu Yufeng, like a fairy.

The young man's clothes have been broken, but he is not embarrassed. His muscles are perfect, his skin is like glaze jade glass, which looks ordinary, but unusual.

The moment he saw the young man, all the blood disciples changed their expressions at the same time, and their faces were blue.

Like a mourning concubine!

"This... how is this possible?"

The faces of the elders of the blood clan and many powerful men changed their colors at the same time, and they all stared at Yu Yue, who seemed unscathed, with wide-eyed eyes. They didn't expect that he would come out first!

"How could Yu Yue come out? Where's the blood ancestor, where is the blood ancestor?" Klimoz's hands and feet were cold, his heart was cold, and his face was full of horror.

The supervision bureau and the church also found it unbelievable.

The emergence of Yu Yue basically means that the overall situation in the mystery of Stonehenge has been determined. The ultimate winner is not the ancestor of the blood family they imagined, but the new super strong Yu Yue of China!

Some warriors with far-reaching thoughts have already begun to think about the consequences of this battle:

Yu Yue originally came to a duel with Edward, the first young lord of the Ouzhou blood clan. Who knows that the first young lord is vulnerable. Even if the five clan lords join forces, they are all defeated. In the end, the blood ancestors are attracted, and the blood ancestors did not take any action. To be able to defeat it, this represents the complete destruction of the ambition of the thousand-year blood race to rise. Since then, on the road of martial arts practice, the human race has overwhelmed the blood race, and the east has overwhelmed the west. It is difficult to change within a hundred years.

After all, Yu Yue is young. He is less than 30 years old this year. He can now defeat the blood ancestors, with a proper posture of the gods. In another forty or fifty years, he may have set foot on the peak of the gods. As for the gods No one knows what is above the environment.

And the Western martial arts practice system represented by the blood race, I am afraid that there will be no respite for nearly a hundred years, and it will take a long time to breathe.

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