Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 1088: After the war (middle)

The expressions of the senior members of the various clans of the Ouzhou blood clan were ugly to the extreme.

The Ouzhou blood family has accumulated their strength for so long, and they want to take advantage of the help of Klimoz and the forces behind them to lead the rise of Ouzhou, dominate the world in one fell swoop, and regain glory, especially the Gullard clan. They want to make the Eagle Nation The sun never sets again.

But now, they were beaten down before they got up, and their vitality was badly injured...

Does the victory and defeat between Yu Yue and the blood ancestor represent the end of an era and the birth of a new era?

The Eastern Martial Artists did not care about these, cheering frantically, including the Cyan Red Society disciples.

"Let me just say, since his debut, Mr. Yu has repeatedly overcome strong enemies, undefeated vertically and horizontally, and his blood ancestors are old and weak. How can he be his opponent?" Someone slapped his chest and shouted.

"Hmph, you said before that Mr. Yu was determined to lose!" Someone unsatisfiedly revealed it.

"I'm not I don't stop talking nonsense!"

But now that Yu Yue has won, no one cares about it anymore.

Everyone rushed to Yu Yue, as if they had seen a super idol star chaser.

Yu Yue waved his hand indifferently to stop everyone from approaching, then walked past the crowd and walked in front of Jiang Rou.

Looking at Yu Yue, Jiang Rou burst into tears. Seeing that he was fine, she finally relieved her heart.

Knowing that the first thing Yu Yue came out of the secret realm was definitely not to see herself, she handed Yu Yue the Yuyou in her arms.

Yu Yue hugged his daughter, gently massaged the acupoints, and injected the vital energy. The little guy woke up leisurely, and when he saw his father, his little mouth was deflated and deflated, and he burst into tears "Wow".

Yu You always trusted her father, but this time, she couldn't help but worry. After all, she was just a child under three years old.

It is always a happy thing to be worried for you.

Yu Yue sighed happily, and put his arms around his daughter softly comforted: "You don’t cry because your father is not good, and father worried you... Dad promises you that next time you will fight quickly and end the battle as soon as possible. You go eat something want to eat something, we'll eat it later..."

The numerous martial arts powerhouses and cultivators present, including the elders of the blood clan, the martial arts master-level figures, the strong cultivators, the deputy chief inspector of the supervision bureau, and the cardinals of the church were all a little dumbfounded.

This...Is this still Yu Yue, the powerful Chinese God Realm who smashed the first young master with one shot, killed the blood monarch with one shot, and even the blood ancestors dare to calculate?

Now so gentle, the contrast is too big, right?

Jiang Rou found a black trench coat from the off-road pickup to put on Yu Yue.

Nina ran over to file a complaint, saying that Klimoz had just incited the blood to kill them.

Yu Yue glanced at Klimoz, his originally tender eyes became cold and terrifying.

He asked: "Miss Luo, why is she still alive?"

Waved back the "Blue Dragon Ball" to Luo Yingxue, and said, "Go."

The female Gu Master knew, let the "Blue Dragon Ball" levitate by her side, walking towards the blood camp and Klimoz step by step with her naked and clean jade feet.

Although she was seriously injured and her combat effectiveness was greatly reduced, no one dared to stop her. All the disciples of the blood race gave way. Just like Moses separated the Red Sea, they were afraid of her poisoning method, and even more fear of the invincibility behind her. cross.

Seeing the mists and clouds, eyes like stars, Luo Yingxuelian, who was beautiful and clear, moved slowly and moved closer, Klimoz's face was already distorted, her lips trembled, and she yelled, "Where is the blood ancestor," Where is the blood ancestor? The blood ancestor save me..."

No one responded in the wilderness during the day.

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