Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 1089: After the war (part 2)

Klimoz hissed for help, but she didn't get a response, and her heart instantly sank to the bottom.

All the disciples of the blood race also sink their hearts. After all, they can't believe the death of the blood ancestor.

Luo Yingxue took the last step and came to Klimoz in front of the white tender and flawless naked foot lightly on the ground.

Klimoz sat down on the ground and looked up at her. His eyes widened, his nostrils turned out, his mouth opened, and his throat made a "chuckling" sound, but he couldn't even say a word.

Luo Yingxue also noticed that she would cheat, frowning and taking precautions.

However, after a while, he didn't see the other party's action, nor did he secretly perform the operation, but his eyes were bloodshot, as if they were protruding, his face was purple, his lips were blue, his face was twisted and hideous, and the whole person seemed to froze.

Luo Yingxue's beautiful eyes narrowed slightly, and there was a guess in her heart. After looking back at Yu Yue, she nodded slightly, and stretched out her spring onion jade fingers to try her breath.

Under the probe, there was no breathing.

Touching the pulse again, there is no heartbeat or pulse.

Luo Yingxue let out a foul breath, straightened up, looking down at Klimoz, and said: "She is dead..."

Everyone was surprised, their eyes focused on the female Gu master.

Luo explained casually: "She was already dead before I got the Gu... She should have been scared to death..."

Anyone who knows carefully will know that when a person is suddenly and unexpectedly frightened by the outside world, the brain will instruct the adrenal glands to secrete large amounts of catecholamines-catecholamines are a kind of neuromediator, including epinephrine and norepinephrine-to stimulate the heartbeat Suddenly, blood pressure rises, and oxygen consumption of myocardial metabolism increases sharply. Excessive blood circulation hits the heart like a flood, tearing myocardial fibers and bleeding the heart, leading to cardiac arrest and death.

During the autopsy of the scared person’s autopsy, medical researchers found that the deceased’s cardiomyocytes were all damaged to varying degrees. The myocardium was mixed with many red rose-colored blood spots, indicating excessive bleeding and impaired heart function. Not only can people be frightened to death suddenly, but they can also be gradually frightened and die because they are psychologically unbearable.

Klimoz should belong to the latter. Her mood fluctuated between threats and salvation again and again, and she had experienced the double torture of Gu Master Luo Yingxue's spirit and body, and she had seen Yu Yue's terrifying strength. In the end, the blood ancestor "Not responding" caused her to fall into the abyss of despair, exhausted, unable to bear, and die.

Compared with natural dead corpses, the faces of scared corpses are more grim, because the moment of scared death, blood flow hits the heart, causing damage to the heart function, accompanied by huge pain and fear, these will be reflected in the facial expressions. The mouth will be slightly opened than a normal dead body, making it more terrifying.

Everyone sighed, Klimoz, the mysterious messenger, and the guests of the blood family, how arrogant and domineering before, surpassed the major clans of the Ouzhou blood family, and even used their own efforts to change the three clans pattern and hold the first hand. A young master, Edward, single-handedly suppressed Richard and controlled Isabella, the daughter of the Modresa clan, and turned her hands over the clouds and rain. Now, she has lost her asylum and has no power to resist. She is actually scared to death. , It's really embarrassing, both ridiculous and sigh.

At this moment, a voice came from nowhere, like a strange sound: "The disciples of the blood race hear the order..."

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