Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 1090: Shock (Part 1)

"All the blood disciples have heard the order, the matter here has come to an end. I have an appointment with Yu Yue. As long as the blood disciples don’t offend Yu Yue and his relatives and friends, he will never embarrass our clan. If offense, it’s your personal behavior. , Other disciples can be condemned to avoid being implicated!

"From now on, disciples of kinship on all continents and countries must remember to act with caution, keep a low profile, and must not harm the human race without any reason, and must not cross boundaries or do unrighteous things.

"I will sleep in the secret realm, except for Yu Yue, no one can disturb..."

After speaking, the voice disappeared, as if sinking into the abyss of unnamed space.

Many kinship disciples at the scene looked at each other.

That... isn't that the voice of the blood ancestor?

The blood ancestor is not dead?

His old man is still alive?

But why did he stop sheltering Climoz just now, without even saying a word?

Is he also afraid of Yu Yue?

Was it because I was afraid of being beaten by Yu Yue?

No one could imagine what the fighting situation in the second half of the Stonehenge secret realm would be like.

All in all, the reality and facts are as follows:

Yu Yue won and walked out of the secret realm; the blood race lost and hid in the secret realm and fell asleep, and the latter was beaten by the former.

With the silence of the blood ancestors, the vigor of the many blood races on the scene fell to the bottom, all of them dejected and depressed, as if their parents were dead.

The supervision bureau and the church watched the fire from side to side throughout the whole process. At this time, although I was a little at a loss, I was not without luck and regret. Fortunately, I did not favor the blood family. Unfortunately, I did not favor Yu Yue, and I don’t know if this is good or bad. , At least there is no major fault, right?

Seeing that Klimoz was dead, Yu Yue beckoned Luo Yingxue to come back, and instead arranged for the stone turtle to go.

The secret realm of Stonehenge was collapsed by Yu Yue and the blood ancestor. It is extremely dangerous. It may be strangled by the turbulent flow of time and space at any time. It is no longer suitable for living. Therefore, the blood ancestor hid in a corner of the collapsed and chaotic secret realm and fell asleep. Shiling turtle leaves.

He asked Shigui: "Think about it again, do you want to go with me?"

Shi Gui vomited and said, "Thank you for your kindness, but I am used to being quiet and I don't like the life of beating and killing all day long."

Nina raised her eyebrows and wanted to laugh a little. How dare she refuse Master Yu and complain about him all day long?

However, Yu Yue was not angry, and continued to ask: "Then do you have a place to go?"

Shi Gui raised his huge head and looked at the sky, sighed and said, "No..."

Yu Yue thought for a while, and comforted: "I am the one who destroyed your home. I can't help you...Let me contact someone, and he should be able to arrange a suitable place for you, how about?"

Stone turtles can do nothing.

As a result, Yu Yue asked him to reduce his size, loaded the car and took it away.

Watching the off-road pickup trucks of Yu Yue and others drive away and drive towards the end of the wilderness, the warriors in the east cheered and invited their friends to meet each other to drink and celebrate.

On the other hand, the kinship disciples, from top to bottom, all looked ugly and depressed.

The warriors in the West can only shake their heads and sigh.

If the news of today's battle is spread, it will inevitably shake Ouzhou and the international underground world.

Even the blood ancestors were defeated and fell asleep, how many people were his opponents above the stars?

"I'm afraid Yu Yue will really be invincible in the world..."

The older generation of strong men sighed.

Everyone around was very sad.

Yu Yue became famous in the first battle, rising like a comet, and will surely surprise an era!

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