Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 1091: Shock (in)

Yu Yue won!

Yu Yue not only easily won the decisive battle with Edward, the first young master of the Ouzhou blood clan, but also killed the five major clan leaders of the Ouzhou blood clan. Even the blood ancestors were suppressed and hid in the collapsed mystery.

This is a complete victory!

You must know that being like the blood ancestor may be more difficult for him to obey than for him to die.

Modern society is an information society. As soon as the car with Yu Yue's front foot left the scenic area of ​​Stonehenge, the results of the shocking battle on the back foot were transmitted back to China at lightning speed.

The entire Chinese martial arts practice world was shocked!

Yu Yue actually won!

You know, Ouzhou is the absolute base camp of the blood clan. The blood clan has been rooted in Ouzhou for thousands of years. Now it is completely defeated at his home court. This is not a shameful problem, it is the shame of the clan!

Moreover, what the blood ancestor, the first young master Edward, will not say first, it may be a vain name, but the five major clan masters are all destroyed and the blood ancestors are overwhelmed, which is a bit exaggerated... Blood ancestors, blood ancestors The ancestor, Ouzhou Xeon, the Supreme Master may not be able to win the existence!

But after the shock, there is a joy, whether it is the Kongtong School in the northwest, the Tianlong Temple in the southwest of Pian'an, or the Taishan Beidou of Chinese martial arts like Shaolin Wudang, or the Yanjia in Beijing, the Xujia in Shencheng, and the Zhujia in Xiangjiang Such a family of martial arts is delighted to hear it.

The Ouzhou powers are too developed and have dominated the world for too long, and the history of the Ouzhou powers invading China has left a deep shadow on the Chinese people.

Even after China’s rapid development and growth, Eagle Country, Fa Country, and De Country are still established developed countries. The West, headed by Oumei, despises China in terms of economy, culture, military, technology, and civic quality. It has a natural superiority, and some people in China also have a "foreign is good" mentality like "foreign is good".

There is also a chain of contempt in the world of martial arts practice. For example, earlier, the Eagle Country labelled Chinese warriors as "Sick Man of East Asia", and some Westerners also called Orientals represented by China as "yellow monkeys."

Therefore, Yu Yue's battle has attracted the attention of Chinese martial arts practitioners.

Yu Yue's victory is equivalent to a national hero who wins glory for the country. What's more, he won such an exaggeration. He was originally just a battle of the younger generation. As a result, even the blood ancestors could not hold it. The whole blood race was trampled down, not only It is the "Light of China", and it is also the "Light of Human Race"!

Although in modern civilization, everyone competes mainly in economy, culture, military, and technology, but the practice of martial arts is equally important. The weight of a master cannot be underestimated. Every country and region has a master, that is an incredible thing, and like Yu Yue, A powerhouse like the blood ancestor can even be elevated to a strategic level, which is comparable to missiles, nuclear submarines, and strategic bombers.

After all, when they reach their realm of strength, the destructive power is too amazing. Even a secret space collapses under the hands of the two, which is not necessarily able to blow up by ordinary missiles.

For the public, the Eagle State officially claimed that the Stonehenge Scenic Area collapsed due to geological disasters, but some people were skeptical that the Eagle State was not located in the two major volcanic earthquake zones, and there was no possibility of strong earthquakes, and Stonehenge was unharmed for thousands of years. How suddenly Fell down?

Only the martial arts world and the underground world know what this is all about.

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