Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 1092: Shock (Part 2)

China, Beijing, People's Park.

An old man with a snowy goatee and a white exercise shirt was slowly hitting a set of self-cultivation and nourishment by the pavilion waterside pavilion.

This seemingly ordinary old man in the park actually has an amazing identity. He is Rotney, the president of the Chinese Budo Association.

At this time, a gentle and elegant middle-aged man in a tunic suit strode forward.

When Rotney saw him, his set of punches hadn't been finished, and he slowly closed down.

If the visitor doesn't know the name, he thinks he is a university professor, but if he is famous, he is also a person who has caused a shock.

He is Yan Shuangcheng, the Patriarch of the Yan Family in Beijing.

Rotney looked at the rockery and slowly said: "Twin Cities, are you here?"

Yan Shuangcheng bowed slightly and said, "Lao Luo, Yu Yue has won."

Rotney was silent for a long time and sighed: "I already know the news, but I still can't believe that the blood ancestor will fail...

"The old guy Lu Yuan revealed to me that decades ago, his battle with the blood ancestor clone was only a narrow margin. If Yu Yue really defeats the blood ancestor, then he will definitely break through the'God Realm'...

"Unexpectedly, the young man who was watching the battle with me a few days ago has actually become a powerhouse of the gods. At that time I thought he was just Miss Lin's follower... It seems that the old man is really old, even his eyes It's not easy."

He glanced at the elegant middle-aged man next to him, and said, "Shuangcheng, you have a good eye and agree to your daughter entering the Dragon Soul and following Miss Lin... Lin is now the deputy captain, and maybe in a few years, Lu Yuan will retreat. She will have a chance..."

Yan Shuangcheng smiled slightly and didn't talk much about his own affairs. He just said: "Yu Yue's victory may not be a bad thing. His rise will definitely promote the international status of the Chinese martial arts community. Internally, It can also make the entire plate more stable."

Rotney said: "Yes, at this time, we old guys shouldn't stand in the way anymore. We should step aside and unite and assist the younger generation to develop the cause of Chinese martial arts practice."


Tenglong Group Headquarters Building, President's Office.

Wearing rimless glasses and sitting in the luxurious and spacious boss chair, Ma Hualong was taken aback after listening to the secretary’s report. He stood up and walked to the large floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking the city, looking at the busy streets and busy people. After thinking for a moment, he issued instructions: "Find out the location and itinerary of Mr. Yu Yueyu, no matter where he is, prepare for a generous gift."

Secretary Hei Si bowed his head and agreed, but wondered in his heart, who is this Yu Yue, who deserves the attention of the boss?

She was only responsible for delivering the news and didn't know the specific inside story. She thought that the man named Yu Yue had won a fighting match in Ouzhou.

Ma Hualong, the president of Tenglong, the officially recognized nation’s largest private martial arts group, was also a little bit murmured at this time. I don’t know if Mr. Yu will read the incense of the same stage and accept his own thoughts. .

Similar scenarios are still being staged in many places in China.

In the Chen family of Dongshan Jicheng, the second young master, Chen Wulong, is more confident in competing for the position of Patriarch, and more uncles and elders in the family are also willing to vote for him.

In the Palace of Heaven, the lord of the palace, Lu Ping'er, was standing on a high platform and was very serious, and she was very serious when she received a message. She was stunned and bounced around on the stage like a little girl, ignoring her. The disciples were dumbfounded, waved their hands, and said: "Disband and disband, get on the number!"

He ran away while talking.

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