Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 1094: Aftermath (middle)

At the end of the meeting, Lu Yuan left Lin Ruoying alone.

The other team leaders and deputy team leaders left without knowing it, but Jiang Zhen, Song Fuzhu, and Mo Chunshui glanced at Lin at the same time before leaving, with weird eyes.

When there were only two people left in the meeting room made of special materials and equipped with excellent sound insulation, Lin Ruoying opened her red lips lightly and asked, "Old Lu, what are your instructions?"

Lu Yuan, with a bright head and white beard, held his hands on his back, and looked at the beautiful subordinates, from top to bottom, from front to back.

Lin Ruoying stood there, with a straight and slender figure, her face covered with frost, unmoving and ruthless.

After a long while, Lu Yuan asked, "Xiao Lin, I remember you mentioned to me before that you want to develop a'Kunlun Mountain Sky Fortress Project'?"

Lin Ruoying said: "Yes."

Lu Yuan nodded: "I support you and let it go. If there are any difficult issues on the military side, tell me, I'll go to dredge, and you can also contact me for other major problems. As for minor illnesses, you are allowed to do things cheaply. "

Hearing this, Lin Ruoying showed a slight joy. When she was not smiling, she was cold and frosty, and when she smiled, she pressed the peach and plum, even Lu Yuan couldn't help but stop.

Lin said: "Thanks to Mr. Lu for your support!"

She had already talked to Lu Yuan about the construction plan of the "Kunlun Mountain Sky Fortress" earlier, but the latter was ambiguous and could only be implemented in private. Now her attitude has changed suddenly. She thinks about the impact, although she has a guess in her heart, but Did not ask more.

Saying goodbye to Lu Yuan, she refused a chat invitation from a colleague on the road, and speeded up her pace to the six team department that made her most comfortable.

The current captain of Dragon Soul Sixth Group, Hei Shen, has bought fried chicken beer and cake soda, and the whole group has a party directly in the group office.

Lin Ruoying opened the door, and the black **** just opened the champagne, and the kumquat liquor sprayed like a fountain, which was chopped into the sky by the white-clothed girl's instant sword gas with her bare hands.

Black God was taken aback, and quickly said with a smile: "Lin Tou'er, why are you here? Everyone has been waiting for you for a long time..."

Lin Ruoying took the tissue from Yan Shanyue and wiped the slightly wet black and white clothes.

In the office, Huang Jianjun, Xiaobingren and several other team members had already started drinking.

Lin Ruoying didn't care.

During the meeting, Hei Shen sent a message saying that Mr. Yu won a big victory, and their six teams would have a party in the team department to celebrate, and Lin Tou'er was specially invited to come over to celebrate.

Lin looked around the room and asked, "Where is it?"

Yeah, where's Rongellia?

Everyone looked at the black **** and asked, "Where is your girl?"

Black God scratched his head: "Why is my girl..."

The Little Iceman suddenly jumped up and pointed at him, "As long as you dare to say ‘It’s not your girl’, I dare to chase after him!"

The black **** picked up the wine bottle and made a gesture to beat someone: "Are you special, Little Iceman..."

At this time, Longgerlia, a mixed-race beauty who described Yeli and an exotic appearance, walked over from next door and saw that Black God and Little Iceman were almost fighting. She was a little confused and asked: "What are you doing? ?"

The old black **** blushed, put down the wine bottle, hesitated, everyone else was laughing secretly.

Longgerlia didn't intend to go into it, but said eagerly: "Stop making trouble, there are people in the jar questioning Mr. Yu's realm of strength, you guys have a look!"

As soon as this was said, no one moved anything, such as beer fried chicken, cake champagne, and everyone immediately turned on their computers or mobile phones.

Sure enough, in the underground forum, countless people are frantically discussing the battle of the century between Yu Yue and the Ouzou blood clan, and some people have posted questions:

"Whether Yu Yue is considered a powerhouse of the gods..."

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