Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 1095: Aftermath (Part 2)

"Is Yu Yue considered a powerhouse of the gods? The blood ancestor he defeated hasn't taken a shot for decades. Although the Ouzhou blood clan has blown him up and down, who knows if he is really that strong?"

Such questionable posts often have a huge amount of clicks.

In order to gain attention, many people follow suit:

"As far as I know, Yu Yue failed to kill the blood ancestor in the end."

"Yes, the eight clans of the Ouzhou blood clan. It is said that except for the clan leader of the Fanzhuo clan who broke through the realm of the prince, all the others are at the level of princes. Yu Yue killed the five princes, that is nothing."

"Also, the so-called first Young Master Edward of the Ouzhou Blood Clan Clan he defeated was a parallel import! Such a parallel import is known as a'blood ancestor', which shows that the true strength of the blood ancestor is also watery."

What's even more outrageous is that some people say that Yu Yue played a fake match.

This made Lin Ruoying and the others angrily laughed.

"There may be no direct evidence to prove that Mr. Yu is in the realm of gods, but the combat power he showed has even collapsed in the secret realm. The blood ancestor was convinced and warned the blood disciples not to provoke Mr. Yu before going to sleep. And his record, Ouzhou Nearly half of the blood clan masters died in his hands, and the blood prince could not hold it. Does it matter whether he is a strong god? Just ask the world, who else is his opponent?"

[Yayachao baby] Post a post to rebut.

The following series of replies are all supportive, including but not limited to [Lao Hei] [Bingfeng Legend] [Jianjun Ammunition Depot] [Mountain and Moon Return with People] [Eleven] [Golden Wind and Yulu Meet] [Red Fox Holding Fan] These numbers.

Suddenly, in the questioning camp, someone said:

"There are at least three people, and Yu Yue is not their opponent."

Everyone's eyes were immediately attracted, and they asked, who is who?

The man posted:

"Huaxia Lu Yuan, the supreme mage of Ulan Wizard Tower, the magical captain of Magnesium."

At this time, a girl named [Anhui Lin Yingjun] jumped out to reveal a shocking news:

"Since you mentioned Lu Yuan, then I can tell you that a few decades ago, the blood ancestor clone came across the sea and wanted to invade China. Lu Yuan tried his best to stop him and tried his best. It was only a serious injury to win. And Lu Yuan's strength Surpassing the master, Yu Yue conquered the blood ancestor deity in Ouzhou, and his realm is not a divine realm, but better than a divine realm."

The entire forum fell silent.

In many martial arts practitioners and underground world personnel around the world, the leaders of various organizations, large and small, have a thought in their hearts, is there really a strong **** who is going to rise up?

You must know that in the past 100 years in the world, the gods have almost disappeared, and no new gods have been born. The blood ancestors, Lu Yuan, and Danjiris are all close to the gods without reaching the gods. The rise of Yu Yue may be true. To break the world pattern!

"Huh??" The six groups looked at Lin Ruoying who had finished sending the message.

Lin Tou'er, why did you sell the captain? Not so calm, not like you at all...

"Aye--" Lu Yuan was drinking tea with Mo Chunshui. For some reason, his spine became cold and suddenly he sneezed.


Compared with the boiling Huaxia, the world of Ouzou martial arts practice is deadly silent.

Whether it is the old powers such as Portugal, Cebanya, and the Netherlands, or Hungary, Yali, Itari, Biz, Ruishi, Clodia, or the three giants of Eagle, Fa, and De. , All warriors, foreigners, and cultivators couldn't believe this news.

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