Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 1096: Invitation of Red Paper Fan (Part 1)

The blood clan has controlled Ouzhou for thousands of years. The resource power is deeply rooted, and its influence on the martial arts practice world is also deep-rooted. The Ouzhou blood clan is the representative of the Ouzhou martial arts system, and its influence even exceeds the church. The blood clan respects the blood ancestor and the blood is the supreme How could it be possible to lose the battle?

This is too much a blow for the Ouzhou blood family, and even the entire Western martial arts practice world and the underground world!

Many people cannot accept it.

"Damn Yu Yue!"

"I have so many cultivators of Ouzhou warriors, and the strong are like forests. How could it be possible to lose to a Chinese man?"

"Ask the most qualified elders of the blood clan to summon the Quan Ou strong hand to besieged Yu Yue. He must not be allowed to leave Ou Island in this way, otherwise it will be the shame of Ou Island, the shame of the Western martial arts practice world!"

Many young warriors are clamoring.

They were accustomed to being white masters, their self-esteem was extremely fragile, they could not accept the collapse of the pillars of Ouzhou's underground world, and could not accept the western martial arts practice world being stepped on by a young man from the east.


Some veteran warriors shook their heads secretly. This battle has already attracted attention from all parties. It is equivalent to an open duel witnessed by the international community. No matter which country wants to deny the victory, it will only lose its face to the world. , Loser and loser.

Moreover, Yu Yue suspected of breaking through the gods, how could the strong in the gods be so easy to kill?

Unless the military or strategic weapons are used, at that time, it is not just a matter of martial arts practice, but a national and international issue. China cannot sit idly by.

As for the Ouzhou blood clan, they are even more powerless. This time the damage is serious. Except for Modresa, the leaders of the other seven clans died. The elders and masters of the clan also suffered heavy casualties. Siege Yu Yue? What's more, the blood ancestor has already warned, never offend Yu Yue again.

More importantly, this battle has shaken its foundation. I don't know how many people regard the badly injured Ouzhou blood family as fat. The Supervision Bureau, churches, overseas Hongmen, and various societies may come to take a bite.

The Ouzhou blood clan is still hard to protect itself, how can you retaliate against Yu Yue?

Despite the ups and downs outside, Yu Yue, the party concerned, didn't care and didn't care. He just wanted to take his daughter to eat, drink and have fun.

After a day of rest, when Yu Yue was about to take Yuyou out, someone came to see him.

"Mr. Yu, where are you going?" The red paper fan of the Cyanhong Club wearing a mysterious red fox mask, who has recovered the graceful figure of the woman, asked respectfully.

"No purpose, just take pomelo out to find something delicious." Yu Yue responded casually.

The red paper fan curled his eyes and said, "That's right, I'm here to invite Mr. Yu, Ling Qianjin, and some of your friends to enjoy the food. I wonder if Mr. Yu can appreciate it?"

"Alright." Yu Yue readily agreed. It happens that someone invites you for dinner, just like someone who is dozing off and handing a pillow, why not do it? And he just happened to have something to say to the red paper fan.

A low-key but luxurious Hongqi motorcade drove all the way from the hotel to China City, attracting the attention of countless passers-by.

Langdon China City, in the Eagle Country known as the "Food Desert", is basically a sacred place.

Following Yu Yue’s opinion, Red Paper Fan did not arrange the dining place in a formal restaurant like the Hongmenlou last time. Instead, it arranged three restaurants that specialize in flavor snacks, allowing Yu Yue and his party to stay in the East, West, and China. You can taste some of the specialty snacks, and the dishes are richer. Although it cannot be said to be very authentic, the taste is good. The most important thing is that the environment is comfortable and comfortable, and the atmosphere is relaxed and casual.

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