Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 1100: Counter invitation (medium)

The red paper fan was a little excited, but as Yu Yue said, she was prudent and cautious, calming herself a little bit through breathing, and deliberately said: "Mr. Absurd, Xiao Hong is terrified..."

Yu Yue asked directly: "So what do you think?"

The red paper fan bowed again: "As long as Mr. Yu can see it, Xiaohong is willing to do what he can do."

In Hongmen, the white paper fan is the military division, and the red paper fan is the military chief. For her, being a military division is a professional counterpart.

Yu Yue said: "No need for dogs and horses, you are my military adviser."

The red paper fan's eyes were full, and it seemed quite moved.

I only heard Yu Yue say again: "However, I have a request..."

The people who eat melons are crying, here comes, let you be a military division, not just let you be a military division, or in other words, not let you be a serious military division!

"A horse does not cross double saddles, and a good woman does not serve the second husband. I don't want my military adviser to serve others as a military adviser at the same time. This is also a taboo. Before, I wanted Xiao Ran Muchen to be my secretary, but she didn't If you are willing to resign as Boss Zhao's assistant, then you have to forget it." Yu Yue added.

The red paper fan nodded, there is no reason to serve two or more masters at the same time.

During the Three Kingdoms period, there was an allusion that "Xu Shu entered Caoying-without saying a word".

What is said is that after Yingchuan counsellor Xu Shu took refuge in Liu Bei, he defeated Cao Jun generals Cao Ren and Li Dian several times in succession, and captured Fancheng, which changed the situation of Liu Bei's army fleeing everywhere. When Cao Cao knew the news, according to Cheng Yu's plan, he used Xu's mother as bait to force Xu Shu to come to Xuchang to serve. Loyalty and filial piety cannot have both. Xu Shu could only leave Liu Bei and switch to Cao Ying. Before leaving, he recommended Zhuge Liang, a classmate and friend, but entered the account of Cao Cao but did not offer a strategy for his whole life.

Although Red Paper Fan understands Yu Yue’s request, she has had to suffer. She said: “Assistant Ran refused to resign, and Xiaohong could not leave the Cyan Red Club for the time being. It must be unwilling, but she can’t. The Cyan Red Club is at Stonehenge. I suffered a heavy loss in the battle of the Secret Realm, and Lord Sima was kind to me. If I abandon the Cyan Red Club at this time, it would be a violation of morality..."

Many Qinghonghui disciples present were grateful. Although they were more or less grudged about the identity of the red paper fan as the fox demon, in comparison, in the battle of the Secret Realm of Stonehenge, the deputy mountain lord He Chen betrayed the door and killed himself. Lei Zongying, the bonus stick, is basically abandoned, and many masters were killed and injured. If the red paper fan is lost again, the door will be in danger.

The Ouzhou blood clan felt that they were treated as fat and might be bitten by the Cyan Red Society. And if the Qinghong Society loses the red paper fan, it will also become fat in the eyes of others and be surrounded by wolves.

Yu Yue tapped his finger on the desktop and said, "I can understand this. So, I have a suggestion..."

Everyone looked at him.

But he looked at Sima Ao and said: "I suggest that Lord Sima abdicate, and let the Red Girl lead the Qinghong Association and the various halls, so that she will be my military division alone, and she can also take care of the Qinghong Association... …"

Without waiting for Sima Ao to speak, the red paper fan said repeatedly: "No, never..."

The Qinghonghui disciples were discussing a lot. Some of them thought that this plan was ok, and some thought that “the affairs of the gates and halls should not be allowed to be heard by others.” Yu Yue, an outsider who pointed out the position of the mountain lord, was a bit too much, but he did not dare to say it clearly, and some people doubted it. I dare not say whether this is the red paper fan's plan to force the palace.

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