Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 1101: Counter invitation (below)

In the face of the chaotic scene, Yu Yue's expression remained unchanged, eating the double skin milk that Yuyou fed, as if his suggestion that the change of ownership of a large multinational society was really just a small suggestion.

At this time, Sima Ao raised his hand, not only to stop the red paper fan, but also to stop the public opinion.

He said: "Mr. Yu's suggestion is very good, in fact, I had already meant it..."

The red paper fan wanted to say something, but Sima Ao stretched out his hand and pressed her shoulder to prevent her from speaking, and continued: "I am a little old, but I have no virtue and talent. Slowly, it is difficult to have a future.

"If virtue is not worthy, misfortune will follow. If there are no Mr. Yu and Hong'er this time, the Qinghonghui will be overthrown by He Chen's betrayal.

"Mr. Yu’s eyes are like a torch, and the appreciation just now is in place. Hong'er is a talented person. It’s a poor man to be a military instructor for me in the Qinghonghui. Following Mr. Yu is undoubtedly a better way out. I shouldn’t stand in your way. road……"

The red paper fan gleamed and said, "Mountain Lord..."

Sima Ao patted her on the shoulder again: "I haven't finished. If you can serve as Mr. Yu's military adviser, and also serve as the mountain leader of the Qinghong General Association, then, under your leadership, and Mr. Yu's care , Qinghonghui will definitely grow and develop. This is what I want to see, even if it does not belong to me..."

Everyone understands his intentions, he wants to use the red paper fan to make Yu Yue cover the Qinghonghui.

There is a strong man in the gods, who would dare to make the idea of ​​the Qinghonghui?

Although he is not good at his ability, he has a good heart for the sake of the court.

Sima Ao waved his hand and said, "What are you doing in a daze, why don't you come to see your new mountain master?"

Immediately facing the red paper fan to the ground: "Sima Ao pays homage to the Lord Red Mountain!"

The Qinghonghui disciples were moved, and the master of Zhi Gongtang took the lead to hand over: "Chi Gongtang Fang Dekai pays respects to the Lord Hongshan!"

The remaining four hall masters followed:

"Sanhetang Li Zhiqiang pays homage to the Lord Red Mountain!"

"Yixingtang Mai Zhigao pays respects to the Lord Red Mountain!"

"Hua Ji Lin Shixia visits Lord Red Mountain!"

"Long Ji Hong Taiwen pays homage to Lord Red Mountain!"

Then came the deputy halls, red sticks, white fans, and the disciples of each hall.

The heart of the red paper fan was ups and downs, and she didn't know what to say, but she was worthy of being a fox-monster. She quickly calmed down and said to everyone: "Thank you brothers for showing your love and thank you Sima Shanzhu. I hope I can live up to expectations and take good care of everyone. Gate hall."

She knew that too many excuses were meaningless, but made people feel false. She was just a little worried about Sima Ao.

But Sima Ao seemed to understand her thoughts and said with a smile: "You don't need to worry about me. I am in a high position because of my lack of ability. I am tired from doing it myself. It is better to step back and play chess and drink with Lei Lao. Drinking tea, practicing Tai Chi, and enjoying the life are good. I will be relieved by entrusting the Qinghong Society to you."

The red paper fan sighed inwardly.

At this time, Yu Yue raised his glass and said: "Since everyone is happy, it is better for us to drink this glass together. To the Red Mountain Lord."

Everyone raised their wine glasses.

After that, the disciples toasted to the red paper fan again.

The red paper fan said: "Wait, I have a request."

Everyone was stunned, so soon there will be "three fires for new officials"?

Just listen to her: "Please don't call me the mountain lord, but call me the red paper fan. After all, the ‘red paper fan’ is my representative."

While speaking, he took out a red paper folding fan and unfolded it with a "swish", very cool.

Yu Yue smiled and said, "Miss Red, why don't you offer me a cup? Respect me for a good military adviser?"

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