Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 1111: Not bad money (on)

In the other booths, Yang Ling held a wine glass toast, her face flushed, and her smile was a little reluctant. She thought she was almost drinking.

The three beautiful girls around her also had wine glasses in their hands, and one of them was dangling and drunk.

The general manager Hayward stood aside, combing his head with a big back, wearing a neat suit, holding a glass, laughing with him, and talking to persuade him to drink.

There are seven or eight guests in this room, all of them are potbellied and greasy. They are either officials or bosses, or they have them. Anyway, they are all the types who can drink and drink well. Especially the beautiful girls are present, and the wine is more interested.

Within a few minutes of Yu Yue's inspection, Yang Ling and the others were half-persuaded and half-bluffed to drink two cups.

And Yu Yue noticed that Yang Ling and the other girls drank two full glasses of whiskey, but the general manager Hayward only drank a little more than half a glass. The girls wanted to drink less, but were The guests choked and said that they did not give face, did not look at the situation, and disrupted the atmosphere, but as a leader and man, Hayward stood beside him and looked at him, especially when he looked at Yang Ling's eyes. Weird, shining with a little light of greed and hope.

He also showed a similar look when he looked at Jiang Rou just now.

Yu Yue sneered.

It seems that the wine culture in the world is similar. In many cases, people persuade, toast, and force wine, not wine, but power.

However, some Western men tend to find Eastern women novel, easy to get excited, and more eager to conquer.

Well, this boss thinks about me as a little fellow... What a trick to kill someone with a knife, want to borrow someone else's wine to get Yang Ling drunk, so that you can take the opportunity to act?

Although I don't know why Yang Ling came to Magnesium and the Four Seasons Hotel, if Grandpa Yang in Wuli Village knew that his granddaughter was forced to drink so much alcohol in a foreign country, he would be very distressed.

Yu Yue hesitated for a moment, took out his mobile phone and walked aside to make a call.

Call the red paper fan.

After the call was connected, the red paper fan's voice seemed a little unexpected: "Mr. Yu, Ouzhou affairs have been almost implemented according to your deployment. I am planning to find time to report to you-Miss Nina's alchemist The workshop is progressing in an orderly manner. Forty percent of the project has been completed, and it should be completed in half a month..."

Yu Yue said: "You did a good job. I believe in your ability. I don't need to report today. I am looking for you for something else."

The red paper fan said: "But according to Mr. Yu's orders!"

Yu Yue let out an "um", without any extra words, and explained his intentions straightforwardly: "I want to acquire the Four Seasons Hotel New York in Magnesium. I wonder if the Red Girl can help me fix the middle joint?"

After understanding, the red paper fan asked: "Are you in a hurry?"

Yu Yue said: "Yes, now, right now."

The Red Paper Fan did not complain, embarrass or shirk even a single word, and replied: "Okay. The Sanhetang of our Qinghonghui is in San Francisco, California. The coordinator Li Zhiqiang and the owner of Four Seasons Hotel should have known each other, I will immediately To implement."

Yu Yue said yes and hung up.

After looking at Hayward deeply, he walked back to the restaurant booth.

Jiang Rou asked Yu Yue what was wrong.

Yu Yue said in a relaxed state that it's okay, it's just that Yang Ling, his little fellow, seems to have encountered a little problem, and he intends to help her.

Jiang Rou remembered that Yang Ling herself had met before, just when she was a nanny in the Yu family. Yu Yue took herself back to her hometown. On the road, someone bullied Uncle Yang and his granddaughter. Yu Yue helped out and drove a Raptor pickup truck. A Porsche supercar. Later, Yu Yue said that he assisted Miss Lin and the police in solving the case in the village next to her hometown, and once again saved Uncle Yang’s house. Yang Ling is Uncle Yang’s granddaughter.

Knowing that Yu was more prepared, she didn't ask any more questions.

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