Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 1112: Not bad for money (medium)

About fifteen minutes later, the red paper fan called, saying that Li Zhiqiang, the owner of the Sanhe Hall, had contacted Isado, the owner of the Four Seasons Hotel, and it happened that Isado wanted to transfer the investment to other projects. The turnover is not open, and now someone has helped him by purchasing his hotel. According to his estimation, the full transfer will cost at least 363.19 million, and the partial transfer can reduce the cost accordingly.

Red Paper Fan asked him if he planned to acquire a wholly-owned acquisition or a partial equity acquisition?

Yu Yue said: "A wholly-owned acquisition, but fast."

360,000,000,000 is more than enough to sell Lu Ping'er's flying boat, but for Yu Yue, who has just received 80 billion in vain, it's really not bad.

The red paper fan expresses understanding.

After hanging up the phone, Yu Yue sat for a while, explained a few words to Yu You and Jiang Rou, then got up and walked to the private room just now.

Of course, Yang Ling, Hayward and others were no longer in the private room at this time.

Yu Yue asked the waiter where their general manager was, and the waiter replied that the general manager and the others seemed to have gone to the bathroom after toasting all the distinguished guests who dine in the hotel.

According to the instructions of the waiter, Yu Yue found the bathroom.

At this time, he saw Yang Ling in the uniform of a hotel waiter staggering out of the women's toilet.

The girl's black and beautiful hair is curled up, revealing a fair and slender swan neck. The uniform, skirt, stockings, and high heels give her a bit more professional and elegant temperament, although she is not hot enough to wear a uniform. The feeling of youth and purity, but between the contradiction and the harmony, gives people a special charm, especially under the wrap skirt, the long and straight legs are wrapped around the pantyhose crystal stockings, and the fair and delicate skin is in it. Under the looming, there is no lack of **** and seductive meaning.

The magnificent lighting in the hotel lobby magnifies her fresh and agile oriental charm, which is quite eye-catching in this foreign country.

Although Yang Ling is from a mountain village, she is a beautiful embryo with a straight face. She put on a little makeup to make her look more beautiful. At this time, after drinking, her eyes were slightly drunk, her face was white and red, and she looked like a pitiful drunken beauty. form.

Hayward was waiting outside the bathroom door. When he saw her coming out, he hurriedly took a coat and draped it over her shoulders. He opened his mouth and seemed to be saying something in her ear.

Yu Yue stood in the distance, using his True Qi to his ears and eyes at will, when he heard Hayward say to Yang Ling, "...Is it uncomfortable, shall I send you back to rest? It's been really hard for you today...or If you really don't want to move, just open a room here. I have a free room every year. Sophia and Julia have already gone to the room..."

Yang Ling blocked the hand that Hayward was about to put on her shoulder, and said with some difficulty: "No need for Mr. Hayward... If there is nothing else, I will go first..."

Hayward's hand was pushed aside, swung in a circle in mid-air, and then retracted awkwardly, with a displeased look on his face, and there was a bit of resentment in his eyes, but they all flashed by, and then said with a smile : "Are you going back to where you rented? I'll drive you?"

Yang Ling still refused: "Thank you, Mr. Hayward... You have also been drinking, so don't drive. I can take a taxi and go back by myself. You have worked hard too, go back to accompany your wife and children early..."

After being rejected one after another, and being reminded by the other party's long-weary wife, Hayward's face was even more displeased, but he didn't let Yang Ling see it, and patiently persuaded: "Today I will let you Running around and working overtime to toast, I have to give it away, so don’t be polite, or I will feel uneasy!”

Yang Ling shook her head firmly and said, "Mr. Hayward, thank you very much for your kindness, but I really don't need it..."

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