Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 1113: Not bad money (below)

Hayward couldn't take it any longer, his face sank, and he said, "Since you know I'm the general manager, you have to listen to me, don't go anywhere tonight, you drink a lot, and it's temperature outside now Low, easy to catch cold and get sick. Just open a room and live here, you don’t care about the room fee, you can order whatever you want to eat and play, it’s all mine! Look, Sophia and Julia are so obedient…”

The whole stance of a domineering president.

Yang Lingjiu was drunk and understood and knew what the other party wanted to do. To be honest, she was very scared, but the traditional virtues of oriental women's cleanliness and the teachings of her grandfather supported her to politely decline again, and took off her coat and returned it to Hayward. escape.

Hayward's face was extremely ugly, and he said in his heart, I have money, looks, and status. There are countless women who have given me arms and hugs. You are just a migrant worker from rural China. Do you need to hold the shelf like this? Rejecting Lao Tzu five times and three times, what is it? !

Quickly stepped forward and grabbed Yang Ling's slender arm.

Yang Ling was startled and called out, "Mr. Hayward, what are you doing? Please let me go..."

Hayward said: "Yang Ling, you must know that in Magnesium New York, you can't escape from my palm! On the contrary, if you are obedient, you don't have to be a poor working student anymore, I can give you You get a promotion and a raise, so you can enjoy a better life..."

The movement here has attracted the attention of many people. However, in the hotel lobby, men can be called "harassment" behavior towards girls, but no one has intervened. It can be seen that Hayward, the general manager, is in the Four Seasons Hotel. Got used to it.

A look of disgust appeared on Yang Ling's pretty face, and she was a little timid and helpless: "Please... please let me go, okay..."

Hayward didn't let go, pulled the girl and said, "You're drunk, I have to take you to the room to rest..."

At this moment, only to hear a "pop", he reached out a hand and slapped Hayward's hand that was holding Yang Ling's arm away!

What a great power!

Hayward felt the back of his right hand hot and painful, looking red and swollen, and almost didn't groan.

He was furious in his heart, looked at the person coming, felt that the other person was a little strange, and asked, "Who are you? What do you want to do?"

Yu Yue sneered, and instead of answering him, he asked, "Can't you see that the girls don't want to go with you?"

Hayward clutched his right hand with a twisted expression: "You..."

Yu Yue said coldly, "A big man, like a mangy dog, is it interesting?"

Hayward was furious. He was so angry that he calmed down a bit. He remembered who this person was in front of him. This is a guest who stayed at the Four Seasons Hotel today. He opened two 95,000 honeymoon suites. He could be regarded as a VIP. After toasting, I seem to know Yang Ling, um, they are all from China...

They are all buns from China...

Even if you can afford a Ford Raptor and a honeymoon suite, you're just a **** with some money, this is Magnesium New York, what can a guy like you do to me?

"Don't go!" Hayward said viciously, pulling out his phone.

Yu Yue didn't leave, quietly watching him pretend.

Hayward called the manager of the hotel's security department and asked him to send someone over immediately, saying that there was trouble here.

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