Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 1115: Rich is really big sun (middle)

Hayward's whole body seemed to have been drained of energy, and he was hunched over, completely losing his usual dashing and upright bearing.

How could he never have imagined that a native from China would have such great financial strength and courage to buy a top international luxury five-star hotel?

Hayward knew that Yu Yue was rich by looking at the room and car he drove, but he didn't know he was so rich...

At this time, Yu Yue asked, "How is it, do you understand the situation?"

Hayward suddenly looked at Yu Yue, his eyes full of resentment, and asked, "Why, why do you do this? You are targeting me, right? Why did I offend you?"

Yu Yue sneered: "You know what you did wrong."

Hayward was stunned for a moment, then looked at Yang Ling: "Could it be because of her..."

Yu Yue wanted to say "it's not entirely because of her", but he was too lazy to explain, just "um".

Hayward said discouraged: "Mr. Yu Yue, I can apologize to you and Miss Yang Ling, I just hope you can forgive me and don't fire me..."

Yu Yue shook his head: "I'm sorry, we don't accept such an apology."

Hayward froze in place. He had just said the same thing to Yang Ling, and now this sentence came back to him. It was like a loud slap in the face. It was more painful and hotter than the ten slaps that Yu Yue had slapped with his hands before. more humiliating.

The hatred in Hayward's heart, I just asked Yang Ling to work overtime and accompany the hotel guests to drink a few more drinks, even if... even if I had some bad thoughts about her, wouldn't I have been rejected on the spot? ? I didn't do anything, you cut my life, you are so cruel, so cruel!

The people next to him, including security guards, waiters and customers, were amazed.

Is this the plot of buying a large international top luxury five-star hotel in one breath for a girl to breathe out?

Really domineering president plot!

Unexpectedly, this young and casually dressed man is actually a rich man, buying and laying off employees is as simple as eating and drinking.

The real rich are self-willed and slapped in the face with money!

Hayward was so angry that he was so angry that his eyes were already red, and he shouted hysterically at Yu Yue: "Yu Yue, if you cut me off, I will not make you feel better! This is Magnesium, not Huaxia. , you hit me, I want to call the police to arrest you, I want to sue you until you go bankrupt, wait to die!"

He had been a hotel manager for many years, and he knew some people in New York, and he was also involved in the police station and court. Now he wanted to get Yu Yue into trouble and kill him.

But how could Yu Yue give him such an opportunity?

Walking forward, Yu Yue patted Hayward with a smile and said, "Don't be nervous, relax. When you come out to mess around, you have to admit your mistakes, and you have to stand at attention when you are beaten. There are some people you can't provoke, and it's useless to struggle..."

Hayward shook him off and yelled, "I warn you, don't touch me!"

Having said that, he took out his mobile phone and prepared to call the police.

Yu Yue didn't stop it.

But he only dialed two numbers and his movements froze.

Then he started shaking violently.

Hands are shaking too.

I couldn't hold my phone so much that it fell to the ground and fell all the way.

Hayward shivered like a chaff for more than ten seconds, finally stopped, and suddenly began to undress again, laughing wildly.

Under everyone's astonished gaze, he took off his suit, shirt, and trousers and threw them all over the place. He was wearing only a pair of shorts and leather shoes and socks. The other side kissed and chewed.

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