Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 1116: Rich is really big (below)

The waitress was so frightened that her face was pale, her legs were weak, and she kept struggling and screaming.

Yu Yue said to Yang Ling, "General Manager Yang, your employee has been molested, do you care?"

Yang Ling opened her mouth and couldn't react at all.

Yu Yue could only turn his head and say to the manager of the security department: "This man is crazy, get him under control, so as not to hurt innocent people!"

The security manager hesitated, but eventually swarmed with four security guards, pulled Hayward away from the waitress and pinned him to the ground.

Hayward, who was pressed to the icy marble floor, was distracted, and his naked body and limbs struggled and danced.

Others looked at it and shook his head. The former general manager of the big hotel was fired overnight, and he went crazy.

Apart from Yu Yue himself, probably only the black cat Kunkun knew the true inside story of Hayward's sudden madness and molesting female employees.

——Yu Yue should have been inspired by Klimoz, when he patted Hayward on the shoulder just now, he controlled it. Of course, Yu Yue didn't release a spiritual technique, but secretly injected two strands of True Yuan Qi into the opponent's body through physical contact. Taking qi as the needle, the hand Shaoyin heart meridian is in charge of the heart, chest and mind, and the foot Shaoyin kidney meridian is in charge of the throat, lungs, and kidneys. Therefore, once these two meridians are stimulated, people are prone to confusion and disorder of kidney qi. A series of unreasonable actions such as crazy laughter, crazy behavior, promiscuity, undressing, and indecent sex.

"Now... what should I do now?" After controlling the "former boss", the manager of the security department didn't know who to ask for instructions, so he didn't add a name.

Yang Ling looked at Yu Yue.

Yu Yue sighed and said, "Call the police."

He took out his mobile phone and walked to the side, called the red paper fan, and asked the red paper fan to call the police.

The red paper fan knew that Yu Yue's purpose for calling the police was to use the influence of the Sanhetang of the Qinghong Association in Magnesium to influence the police and to attack the man named "Hayward" so that he could not stand up.

Regarding Mr. Yu's matter, Red Paper Fan adheres to the principle of "speaking less and doing more".

After the phone call, Yu Yue nodded again and again, expressing his satisfaction with the military fox.

He walked back and said to the crowd, "Wait a minute, the police will be here soon."

The crowd naturally had no objection.

The onlookers were reluctant to leave, all waiting to see the lively ending.

The police arrived unexpectedly fast, and their work efficiency was also surprisingly high. After learning about the situation from the relevant personnel, taking notes, and collecting evidence on the spot, Hayward was escorted into the police car and taken away.

Everyone listened to the distant siren and couldn't help but sigh.

At this moment, people look down on the Chinese man in front of them and dare not underestimate him. This man is not only super rich, but also has a lot of energy. It is quite amazing that a Chinese man can achieve this level in Magnesium!

At this moment, Yu Yue looked at Yang Ling and gave her a few winks.

Although Yang Ling is simple, she is not stupid. On the contrary, she still has some insight, and quickly understood what Yu Yue meant.

She said to the security manager: "Okay, Mr. Duncan, please let everyone go, and then go to your business... oh yes, please ask someone to take Andrea to the medical room to see if there is any Wherever you are injured, if it doesn't work, send it to the hospital, don't worry about money, this is during work, if you are injured, you will be treated as a work-related injury..."

There is a bit of the general manager's bearing between the words and expressions.

Andre was the waitress who had been violently assaulted by Hayward just now and molested on the spot.

Yu Yue secretly said "sorry", and planned to give the girl some compensation from his own pocket afterward through Yang Ling.

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