Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 1117: Don't leave me alone (Part 1)

The manager of the security department is also a person who knows current affairs, nodded and agreed, first waved the other waiters and guests to leave, and then personally led a group of security guards to send Andre to the hotel medical room.

When the crowd dispersed, only Yu Yue and Yang Ling remained, as well as Jiang Rou, Yu You, Yuan Xiaolou and the black cat Kunkun.

Yu Yue waved his hand, Jiang Rou glanced at her, and went back to the room with two babies and a cat.

Yang Ling is already a little unsteady, and she really drank a lot tonight. If she hadn't come from a mountain village in Yunzhou, China, she would have been drunk and unconscious, and she was picked up by the old man Hayward. Corpse." Rao is so, I survived the ups and downs just now, when everything was settled by Yu Yue, my body and mind were relaxed, the wine was surging, and the drunkenness followed.

Yu Yue held her up and asked how she was doing.

Yang Ling didn't answer, she didn't even have the strength to shake her head, and fell uncontrollably into Yu Yue's arms.

Yu Yue simply picked her up and carried her to his room.

Don't get me wrong, he just didn't know where to send the girl, so he wanted her to rest in his bed for a while to sober up.

Unexpectedly, when she came to the bed to put Yang Ling down, the girl turned into an octopus, using both hands and feet, tightly wrapped around Yu Yue's body, and put her bright red lips next to his neck. Exhale.

Our Master Yu was caught off guard, unexpectedly, his center of gravity was unstable, he fell on the bed, and at the same time pressed Yang Ling under him!

Yang Ling let out a coquettish cry, but her hands and feet did not relax, and she was still clinging to Yu Yue.

A man and a woman rolled down together on the comfortable and luxurious big bed!

Yu Yue knew that Yang Ling was really drunk. Her eyes were slightly closed, and her pretty face was full of drunkenness. She just hugged and exhaled without any other movement. When you fall asleep, someone yells when drunk, talks a lot when you get drunk, and stays silent when you get drunk. I'm afraid it's rare to see the reaction of hugging someone and not letting go when you're drunk.

Looking at Yang Ling's more lovely face after she was drunk, she smelled the peculiar smell of the girl's body fragrance mixed with alcohol in her nose, and her chest and abdomen felt the soft bouncy and a little greenishness brought by the hug of the other party's delicate body. Amazing touch, Master Yu, who has always been calm, can't help but have a little heart palpitations...

It is really warm and fragrant nephrite in her arms!

Although it is a great temptation for any man.

But Yu Yue didn't want to take advantage of people's dangers, and didn't want to make mistakes because of it.

Therefore, he put his finger on the "Jingmen Point" on Yang Ling's waist and pressed it, Yang Ling was paralyzed, and his hands and feet relaxed.

Yu Yue let out a sigh of turbidity, turned around to wash her hands and took a basin of warm water, intending to wipe Yang Ling's face, hands and feet, and let her get a good night's sleep.

When I turned back, I heard movement from the bed.

As if someone was crying.

Yu Yue walked over and saw Yang Ling curled up on the bed, crying.

Looks so pitiful.

Drunk people are really hard to deal with, especially drunk women.

I hugged someone just now and didn't let go, but now I'm crying again...

Yu Yue sighed and asked, "Suzuki, what's wrong with you? Is there something wrong with you?"

But she heard Yang Ling sobbing and muttering: "Don't leave me alone...don't leave me alone..."

Yu Yue heard that she felt pitiful, so he stepped forward and comforted: "Don't cry, okay? You're not alone, brother is here..."

Yang Ling looked at him for a while, then suddenly opened her hand and wanted to jump into his arms and hug him again.

But this time, when Yu Yue was holding a basin of water, Yang Ling knocked over the water and drenched himself all over...

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