Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 1118: don't leave me alone (middle)

Yu Yue reacted quickly and jumped away immediately, but he was not splashed much.

"Ah—" Being drenched in water, Yang Ling shivered a few times, sat upright, looked at Yu Yue, and staggered back onto the bed, murmuring, "It's raining heavily. It's cool, I like heavy rain the most... But why is this rain warm..."

Yu Yue was speechless, this Nima poured water all over her body and didn't wake up. Obviously she was not lightly drunk. How much alcohol did Hayward make her drink?

This kind of look, let alone getting wet, even if ten or eight men finished it and sold it to the entertainment club, I'm afraid she doesn't know what happened!

Looking at Yang Ling, who was soaked all over her body, her clothes were tightly attached to her flesh, her **** and hips were fully displayed, her waist and beautiful legs were exposed, and her beautiful face was dripping with water, like a pear blossom with rain, and she was youthful and exquisite. 's body inadvertently staged a wet body - temptation. Yu Yue couldn't help sighing inwardly, girl, you still have to keep yourself a little awake...

But what to do now?

He wanted to leave here, but when he looked back at Yang Ling, he found that the wet girl was curling up on the half-soaked bed, humming and saying something, looking especially like a poor kitten. She can't help but feel pity and distress. She drank so much wine and was so drunk that if she caught a cold, she would be seriously ill immediately.

Yu Yue sighed again, went back to the bed, bent down, and heard the girl humming and chirping still saying, "Don't leave me alone...don't leave me alone..."

Yu Yue stretched out his hand to unbutton her clothes, and explained, "I'll help you take off the wet clothes, so as not to catch a cold, there's no other meaning..."

Although her heart is open and honest, and there are no other distractions, as the clothes buttons are unbuttoned one by one, Yang Ling's suet jade-like skin is exposed inch by inch, and her fingers touch occasionally, as smooth and delicate as a newborn baby. , Yu Yue's heart couldn't help trembling.

However, even if he took off all the clothes on her body, the girl still didn't react at all.

Slippery skin, hot curves, small but plump breasts, green grass, delicate buttocks...

At this moment, Yang Ling was truly naked and naked.

Facing the body of a young girl who was invincible and beautiful like a flower, Yu Yue's breathing couldn't help but be a little chaotic.

He closed his eyes, adjusted his breathing, stabilized his mind, then picked up the girl and walked towards the pool.

The honeymoon suite of the Four Seasons Hotel is very spacious. There is a private swimming pool directly in the room. It is not too big or small, and you can adjust the water temperature yourself.

Yu Yue put the girl into the pool, pressed "One-click Hot Spring", and the warm spring water quickly filled the pool.

Yang Ling lay in the hot spring and twisted a few times comfortably.

Yu Yue didn't go far, just meditated beside him, mainly because he was afraid that the girl would drown herself in the water and drown herself.

Lie in the hot spring, open your drunk eyes, and look up at the starry sky.

——The special starry sky roof of the honeymoon suite on the top floor can just be used to enjoy the starry sky of the super city New York.

Yang Ling sighed and said, "It's so beautiful... It's like the stars in the back mountain of Wuli Village..."

The homesickness is strong in the soft voice.

Afterwards, he murmured a lot. Although it was topsy-turvy, the main idea of ​​the lyrics was:

Since the case of the old lady Mao Zong in Wuli Village, she was admitted to university and had the opportunity to study in Magnesia in her first year. more compensation for the damage of the tricycle) and the hope of the whole village, leaving home and crossing the ocean...

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