Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 1119: don't leave me alone (below)

When I first arrived in New York, Magnesium, the girl was not used to it and had low self-esteem.

Due to poor conditions, I can only work part-time.

After being introduced, she found a job as a waiter at the Four Seasons Hotel.

When she first joined her, she was often excluded due to her race and language. Later, Hayward, the general manager, found her and defended her very much.

The girl is very distressed.

If you want to escape, you can't do anything without money.

If you stay, you will not be able to work and study with peace of mind.

Every day is spent in confusion.

Going to school and going to work was unhappy, and when I returned to the dormitory, I was alone again, with no one to speak to.

I often miss home at night and can't sleep, but I dare not tell my family, because I'm afraid my grandfather is worried...

Yang Ling soaked in the hot spring, looked up at the starry sky, and murmured.

Yu Yue meditated beside him, and responded uhhh.

Tired of talking, Yang Ling fell asleep.

Hearing her even breathing, Yu Yue sighed that this girl is really not easy...

But who would have thought how easy it would be to live a good life?

Looking up at the starry sky, the starry sky on the top floor of the super urban luxury hotel is different from the starry sky in the countryside and mountains. Although they are all gorgeous, the stars in the city are not as quiet and innocent as the stars in the mountains and villages. .

Standing on the top floor of the Four Seasons Hotel, in this luxurious space, you can overlook the lights of the city below and the starry sky above. A diametrically opposite desolation and loneliness.

Yu Yue couldn't help but think of Qin Shaoyou's words:

The fine cloud is clever, the flying star spreads hatred, and the silver man is dark.

As soon as the golden wind and jade dew meet, they will win but there are countless people in the world...

In any case, he is now under the starry sky of the same country as her, and we will meet soon.

He sighed meaninglessly, got up, took Yang Ling out of the hot spring, put her on the bed, and carefully wiped her from top to bottom, left to right, head to toe, front and back with a large towel.

During the whole process, the girl didn't wake up, and she let others do whatever she wanted.

Although Yu Yue wiped it carefully, he was able to completely control his desires.

It's not that the girl's body is not beautiful. On the contrary, this thin and thin body is often more pitiful. The skin is not particularly delicate, nor is it particularly fair, but it shows the naturalness of a country girl, with a kind of original ecology and natural beauty. Like a grass spirit.

Many Western men like this type. The natural lightness from the East will make them more possessive and conquest, such as Hayward.

However, Yu Yue was thinking of others, and he simply appreciated it.

After drying her thoroughly, she tucked Yang Ling into the quilt and let her lie on the drier side—the bed was big anyway.

Sitting beside him.


Sunlight poured into the room through the window and through the gaps in the curtains, and sprinkled on the pretty face of the girl who was still asleep on the bed.

Thick eyelashes flutter.

The eyes slowly opened.

Yang Ling woke up.


For a moment, my head hurts like it's going to explode.

I closed my eyes, adjusted my breathing, and rested for a while, which brought some relief from the severe headache.

When I opened my eyes, I found that the surrounding environment was somewhat unfamiliar.

This... where is this?

My heart tightened, and I carefully observed it. This luxurious room layout... is definitely not my own rental house, nor is it a dormitory! This looks like... the Honeymoon Suite at the Four Seasons Hotel!

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