Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 1120: One Day After Drunk (Part 1)

Turning his head and seeing someone, Yang Ling almost jumped up in fright.

After calming down, I realized that it was a young man sitting cross-legged on the carpet beside the bed. He closed his eyes and seemed to be sleeping, not knowing what he was doing.

That guy looks familiar...

Yang Ling's head was dizzy. After thinking about it for a while, she remembered that he seemed to be brother Yu Yue from the village next to his hometown. He had rescued his grandfather and himself from old lady Mao Zong before, and he had also driven a pickup truck and crushed a sports car. My grandfather and myself started out, and then they subsidized my own tuition fee of 40,000 yuan.

This pile of kindness, the girl has always cherished in her heart.

Yesterday, I was drunk by the general manager Hayward. After being drunk, I was harassed and almost fell into the hands of beasts. It seems that Brother Yu Yue suddenly appeared and rescued me...

Is this his room?

I'm sleeping on his bed now? could I sleep in his bed?

Because of the alcohol, Yang Ling's memory last night was chaotic and incomplete, I remember part and don't remember part.

Just as she was about to sit up to thank and ask Yu Yue, she suddenly found a problem!

a serious problem!

A very serious problem!

A very, very serious problem!

Any clothes and pants, including underwear, are not on your body!

Naked, naked, pure and naked!

! ! !

Yang Ling lifted a corner of the quilt and looked at her naked body underneath, her head suddenly "bang", completely stupid.


last night……

What the **** happened last night...

Fortunately, she is no longer the little girl from Wuli Village. She has left her hometown and traveled across the ocean. She has been trained in Magnesium for more than half a year, and has grown more or less. Although she still maintains her innocence, she is not stupid. impulsive" principle.

In order to avoid disturbing the man next to her - in any case, a naked woman is undoubtedly dangerous when facing any man - she still lay motionless on the bed, but wrapped the quilt tightly around her and never let her body Expose any part of the skin, and work hard to run the brain, so that you can recall the cause and effect of things faster and more clearly.

Slowly, the memories that were originally like a paste began to become clear:

Yesterday, I followed Hayward, the general manager of the hotel, to see a major client in New York Harbor. I vaguely saw Brother Yu Yue at the VIP entrance, but at that time, I couldn't believe it, and my colleagues urged me to leave. ...

Later, I saw Brother Yu Yue and his party at the Four Seasons Hotel. At that time, they just opened the room and went upstairs, and it was not the time to meet each other, and I was scolded by my boss, who usually doesn't like it, because of my distraction...

In the evening, I saw Brother Yu Yue again, but it was still an extremely embarrassing occasion. Hayward brought four waitresses including himself to deliver wine to the hotel guests, and toasted and apologized. It just so happened that Yu Yue The eldest brother and his party are also among the distinguished guests...

When I saw them, I was a little dazed. The sister-in-law was so gentle and beautiful, and the children were so old, but why did Brother Yu Yue say that he was the teacher of his children when he introduced them? And in their eyes, he must be very embarrassing...

After that, I don't know how much alcohol I drank, even Sophia, Julia and the others found out when they left...

Hayward began to harass himself, and even moved his hands and feet, with bad intentions and disgusting wretchedness, but he couldn't get rid of it...

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