Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 1121: A day after being drunk (middle)

Just at the moment of despair, Brother Yu Yue appeared, he stopped Hayward, and he rescued himself again...

He said he bought the Four Seasons, fired Hayward, named himself general manager...

It's incredible!

But after Hayward made a phone call, his face became extremely ugly, and he molested Andre in public like a madman, was controlled by security, and was taken away by the police...

Then, I was so drunk that I couldn't move...

It was Brother Yu Yue who took him to his room to rest, and seemed to have hot water to wash his face and feet...

As a result, he hugged people after drinking, knocked over the water, and drenched his body...

Yes... it was Brother Yu Yue who helped him take off his wet clothes and let himself soak in the hot spring...

The honeymoon suite is the signature feature of the Four Seasons Hotel. It is extremely luxurious. It has a private hot spring and a starry sky roof. I have been in the hotel for so long, but I have never heard of it before, but I can experience it for myself overnight...

Lying in a hot spring and looking up at the starry sky doesn't feel too good, it just evokes homesickness and makes me sad...

And then, he seemed to fall asleep and didn't know anything...

But considering the situation at this time, I should have been taken out of the hot spring by Brother Yu Dao after falling asleep, dried my body, and put it on the bed, otherwise I would not have been able to sleep so comfortably...

With memories and imaginations, the expression and mood on Yang Ling's pretty face changed.

Sometimes excited, moved, sometimes angry, sometimes angry, sometimes embarrassed, sometimes regretful, sometimes blushing...

But who is to blame?

If you want to blame, you can only blame yourself for drunkenness...

Just thinking about it, suddenly a hand came over and put it on the girl's forehead: "Hey, I don't have a fever, why is my face so red?"

It was Yu Yue who saw that Yang Ling's face was wrong and thought she was sick, so he came over to care.

Yang Ling had to give up sleeping and open a pair of beautiful eyes as pure as a mountain spring.

Yu Yue coughed dryly and asked, "Suzzi, are you awake? Do you feel any discomfort?"

Yang Ling shook her head, indicating that it was all right.

The girl was very nervous. After all, she was naked and only covered by a quilt...

Yu Yue nodded: "That's good."

He pointed to the neatly stacked dresses on the sofa, and said, "Your clothes were wet with water last night. I'll take them to dry. After a while, I'll go to the restaurant to eat."

After speaking, he got up and walked out.

Maybe to avoid embarrassment.

Yang Lingming's eyes twitched, feeling uneasy, she covered the quilt and hid inside to check.

It took a long time for him to get out of the quilt, with a blush of fascination on his pretty face, with his small mouth open and gasping for breath, he muttered to himself, "Brother Yu Yue... he really didn't do anything to me..."

In addition to being moved, I felt a little lost, and then I felt ashamed because of this inexplicable loss.


The breakfast at the Four Seasons Hotel is of course good, coffee, pastries and meat dishes, Yu You and Yuan Xiaolou all had a good time.

Seeing Yang Ling appear neatly dressed, Yu Yue raised his hand and said, "Lingzi, this way."

Yang Ling walked towards the best location of the restaurant a little embarrassedly, where you can see the vibrant Central Park by the window.

New York Central Park, covering an area of ​​more than 5,000 acres, is located in the middle of Manhattan where skyscrapers stand. It has a large number of green plants, bird watching spots, and playgrounds and oasis for rushing rivers. It is not only a leisure place for New York citizens, but also A favorite tourist destination for tourists from all over the world.

Central Park is just two blocks from the Four Seasons Hotel and is the perfect venue for many outdoor activities including jogging, horseback riding, ice skating, boating, free concerts and theatre. There is also a children's zoo, installation art, a gazebo castle and the famous carousel.

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