Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 1123: Whose Engagement Ceremony (Part 1)

Hmm...I didn't expect that Suzuko was not black last night, but the inside of her stomach was quite dark...

In fact, Yu Yue doesn't dislike being black-bellied. On the contrary, he thinks that girls should have some heart. To be able to protect themselves, he doesn't want her daughter to be heartless all the time. Unless she is strong enough that no one can hurt, then Another matter.

However, he is not sure whether Yang Ling was really drunk or pretended to be drunk last night, um... drunk or really drunk, there is no doubt that a series of words and deeds of the main drunk are true and true. Pack……

Of course, it doesn't matter to him, everything is done smoothly and recklessly, everything is not out of control, and there is no loss for him.

Thomas gritted his teeth and thought about it for a long time, but he finally accepted Yang Ling's "suggestion".

Yang Ling's move is actually quite ruthless, because "dismissal" is different from "resignation". For those who are fired, the hotel will pay a large amount of compensation, but it is not necessary for the employee to resign and be approved by the hotel.

Besides, the staff benefits of the Four Seasons Hotel are good, the employment situation outside is severe, and Thomas is a middle-aged man who is "worse than a dog", and he really can't speak willfully.

If you drop two levels, just drop two levels, at least not directly to the lowest level waiter, it's okay...

Seeing that Thomas was humiliated to the extreme, but still had to declare that he would actively rectify and work hard, Yang Ling's youthful and innocent face was very calm, and she even nodded and encouraged a few words.

After that, there was a long queue in the restaurant, from the table of Yu Yue and others to the door.

Seeing that Thomas hadn't been fired, the hotel staff followed suit. They had self-examinations during the holidays, and they showed loyalty when they didn't, fearing that they would lose their jobs if they were one step behind.

Yang Ling was a little worried in her heart. Will this make Brother Yu Yue think that I am not popular?

In fact, there are not many people who have excluded, bullied, or bullied her. All of them have "sincerely" reviewed and they have been punished accordingly. Others are purely following the trend.

In the end, Yu Yue felt annoyed, which not only affected the image of the hotel, but also disturbed Yu You's meal, so he waved the people in line away.

Yang Ling regained her soft, weak and pure image like a lotus. She lowered her head to eat a little from time to time and took a sip of coffee. No one knew what she was thinking.

Yu Yue broke the silence and asked Yang Ling to talk about her situation. Although she said it when she was in the hot spring last night, she was confused and not clear enough.

Yang Ling said that she was admitted to a first-class engineering university in China and had the opportunity to study at the Engineering College of Columbia University in New York City, Magnesia.

Jiang Rou said with sincere admiration: "So Suzuko is a scholar, really amazing!"

Yang Ling glanced at her, and still felt that her gentleness was like jade and water, like pure white moonlight, and she was full of softness. She couldn't help but blurt out: "My sister-in-law is the envy of people, she is young and beautiful. Having two such lovely children, life is full of happiness..."

Jiang Rouqiao's face turned red: "Lingzi, you misunderstood... I'm just the nanny of your brother Yu Yue's house, not..."

Yang Ling was startled and asked, "Brother, what about my sister-in-law?"

Yu Yue said: "It should be in Magnesium, it seems to be in the same university as you..."

After a pause, he asked, "By the way, is there an engagement ceremony tomorrow and whose engagement ceremony is it?"

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