Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 1124: Whose engagement ceremony (middle)

Yang Ling replied, "It's the engagement ceremony of Mr. Rosen Hiddleston and Miss Berninghart. The entire Four Seasons Hotel was contracted and it cost a lot of money to build. It should be very romantic."

Saying that, a look of longing appeared on her pretty face.

What girl doesn't want her wedding to be gorgeous?

Yu Yue hesitated a little when he heard the name "Miss Berninghardt", and then smiled: "When we opened the room before, the receptionist said we could only stay for two nights, and we have to check out tomorrow. Now I bought it. Four Seasons Hotel, shouldn't you have to check out?"

Yang Ling also smiled, like a cool breeze blowing Qinglian in the mountains and rivers: "You are the boss now, who dares to ask you to check out?"

After she finished speaking, she stood up and bowed solemnly to Yu Yue: "Brother, thank you, you helped me again, and it cost so much. I...I really don't know how to repay..."

Yang Ling's heart was ups and downs. Someone bought a hotel with 100 million yuan and arrogance, just to give you an outlet, and to make you the top manager of the hotel. This is very touching, really touching, but Also terrifying.

Yu Yue understood what she was thinking and comforted: "No need to do this. Although my acquisition of the Four Seasons Hotel was made on a whim, it was not entirely out of the plan, nor was it entirely for you. I have other goals, so you don't have to. I feel pressured... As for the reward, being a good general manager of the hotel and managing the hotel well is the reward for me."

Yang Ling asked, "Brother, do you really want me to be the general manager?"

Yu Yue asked, "Do you think I'm joking?"

Yang Ling said quickly, "No, no, that's not what I meant! I just feel that my qualifications and abilities are not enough. I'm afraid that I can't manage such a big hotel, which will affect the hotel's performance and live up to my brother's expectations."

Yu Yue shook his head and said, "No one is born to be a general manager, so you can learn it. In fact, management is to manage people. I think you were quite opinionated about your handling of your colleagues just now. It's very good. I believe you. have that ability."

Yang Ling's cheeks flushed instantly, like a lotus pond reflecting the sunset, and she felt that her little thought was invisible in front of Yu Yue and was completely seen through, just like her naked body last night.

She whispered: "I... I think it's not enough, and I still have school to complete, I'm afraid I don't have the energy..."

Yu Yue nodded: "Yes, study is very important. What advice do you have?"

Yang Ling's pretty face turned red again. She had just made a "suggestion" to let Thomas downgrade by two levels, but now brother Yu Yue asked himself to make a suggestion, I don't know what it meant.

But she still obeyed her heart and said, "I need this job very much. I can do anything other than general manager."

Yu Yue thought about it and said, "Okay, then you can be my secretary, the chairman's secretary. For the hotel, I will hire a professional manager to manage the operation. As for you, you are responsible for helping me look after the management. Just report. How about 700,000 annual salary?"

Yang Ling took a deep breath.

Annual salary, 700,000!

How many highly educated graduates earn 20,000 to 30,000 yuan a month, and even a freshman can earn an annual salary of 700,000 yuan, which is more than ten or twenty times higher than the salary of a waiter. My god, if not Brother Yu Yue said, it must have been a scam or pyramid scheme...

Seeing Yang Ling in a daze, Yu Yue asked, "Why, don't you want to?"

Yang Ling said quickly, "I would like to..."

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