Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 1125: Whose engagement ceremony (below)

"Of course I would...but brother, are you giving too much?" To be honest, Yang Ling was a little scared.

Yu Yue waved his hand: "Not much, not much, if you work hard, you can get a raise."

What Yang Ling didn't know was that when he hired Jiang Rou as a nanny, he offered him a salary of 600,000 yuan for half a year. The annual salary of the secretary of the board of directors was 700,000 yuan, which was not much.

She looked at Yu Yue, her eyes flickered, and she sighed in her heart, Big Brother Yu is really amazing, so much gold at such a young age... They all said "a golden phoenix flew out of the valley", Cherry Village is a dragon, the whole town Glory! When can I be as promising as Big Brother Yu?

Yu Yue took yogurt for Yu You, and then asked, "How is the preparation for tomorrow's engagement ceremony? Do you know the situation of the man and the woman?"

Yang Ling glanced at Yu Yue and felt that he was very concerned about the engagement ceremony, but yes, it was a big order. Brother Yu Yue just took over the hotel, so it is reasonable to care about this order.

She said: "I don't know very well, Hayward didn't let me participate in the preparations for the ceremony before... Do I need to ask the specific person in charge?"

Yu Yue said, "You don't need it first, just tell me what you know."

Yang Ling pondered: "I heard that tomorrow's engagement ceremony will cost close to 30 million. It is very romantic and grand. Many people have been invited to the ceremony. Tomorrow afternoon, many celebrities and elites from all walks of life will be present, and ordinary people are not qualified. Participation, so the organizer contracted the hotel and asked that no other customers be received tomorrow night…”

There was no lack of envy in the words, and there seemed to be a sense of honor and excitement because he was a hotel employee who was able to witness this grand engagement ceremony.

Yu Yue looked very calm: "Tell me about the situation of both men and women."

Yang Ling took a sip of lemonade to moisten her throat, and then said: "Mr. Rosen is an atypical rich second generation, he is the heir of the Hiddleston family, he has inherited many family businesses, and he has a lot of money. A successful businessman and scientist, with degrees in electrical engineering, business administration, and chemistry, he is a social elite born into a prestigious family. Whether it is education, status, status, social resources, and food and clothing, he is beyond the reach of ordinary people. I don't know how many A woman dreams of marrying her.

"It's a pity that Mr. Rosen already has a crush. He chose Miss Burninghart..."

Yu Yue breathed for a few seconds, as if he wanted to say something, but he stopped, waiting for Yang Ling to continue.

Just listen to Yang Ling continue: "Miss Berning Hart is not a mortal, she is a full daughter, born in a wealthy family, her family controls the Magnesium super consortium 'Helan Consortium', the family business 'Helan Consortium' Science and Technology' is one of the top scientific and industrial enterprises in Magnesium and the top five arms contractors in the world. Her father is a frequent visitor to the Forbes Rich List.

"She herself is also a talented female scholar with high IQ. She has obtained a double doctorate in mechanical engineering and electrical engineering from Columbia University at the age of twenty-five or six, and is currently studying for a doctorate in materials science and engineering.

"Because of this, she is worthy of the noble son of the Hiddleston family, and perhaps her net worth is stronger than Mr. Rosen.

"By the way, I heard that she is of Chinese descent, a mixture of Huaxia and Magnesium. She is extremely beautiful. She has been on the cover of three top fashion magazines and is also very famous in the entertainment and fashion circles. I don't know how many men she is. The goddess in the dream. This time, I am afraid that many people's dreams will be shattered.

"I remember, her Chinese name is Helan Heart Burning..."

Yang Ling said it like a lot, with admiration in her tone. Such a woman with perfect background, perfect appearance, perfect career, and perfect marriage and love is naturally Yang Ling's idol.

Hearing the name "Helan Heart Burning", Yu Yue's movements were slightly stagnant, and there was an inexplicable look in his eyes.


Yu You knocked over the yogurt and called out blankly, "Mom..."

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