Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 1126: The Eve of the Ceremony (Part 1)

The yogurt cup overturned on the table.

Looking at Yu You's cute and cute appearance, and listening to her milky voice, Yang Ling was stunned: "What... what?"

Yu You said, "Mom...Helan Xinran is my mother..."

It seems that she has remembered her mother's name since she was not very good at speaking. At this time, when she heard someone mention it, she immediately looked around at a loss, looking around with big eyes: "Where is mother? Where is mother?"

Yu Yue reached out and touched her head, and said gently, "Don't worry, Youyou, you can see her tomorrow."

"Really?" Yu You's little face was filled with joy, like a happy squirrel, very cute.

Yu Yue fondly wiped off the white yogurt stain on her mouth: "Of course, Dad will never lie to you."

Yu You was so happy that she ate two more cakes and a fish steak.

Yang Ling looked at Yu You in a daze, and her thoughts diverged. This child's appetite is too good, and the average family may not be able to support it...

Immediately, she looked at Yu Yue and asked, "Brother, you said just now... my sister-in-law is in Magnesium, and she goes to the same university as me? So my sister-in-law is also from my brother's university?"

Yu Yue nodded and said yes.

Yang Ling continued to test and confirm: "I'm sorry, my sister-in-law's name is... Helan Heart Burns?"

Yu Yue nodded again: "Yes."

Yang Ling fainted, and she couldn't accept it for a while.

Since she entered Columbia University, the first thing she heard was the name "Helan Heart Burning", and the name she heard most often was also the name "Helan Heart Burning".

Helan's heart is burning, and he is undoubtedly the legend of Columbia, the goddess of Columbia, and the golden sign of Columbia.

On the campus, there are people talking about it almost every day in dormitories, canteens, classrooms, and everywhere.

She is a talented girl, the youngest double doctor in Columbia University, and is about to become a third.

She is born noble, and her family is rich, like a princess, she is indescribably expensive.

She is the arrogant girl of the sky, with both talent and beauty. Not only is she highly sought after by boys, but even girls treat her as an idol. There is a saying in Brother University, "Which girl doesn't want to live as Helan's heart burns".

Yang Ling, of course, is no exception.

Although she is from a mountain village in southwest China, she also has innocent and beautiful dreams in her heart.

She regards Helan Heart Burning as a goddess, and regards it as her goal, even if the distance is very far, but as long as she keeps working hard, she can always get a little closer.

Therefore, when she heard that Helan Xinran would hold an engagement ceremony with someone at the hotel where she was working, Yang Ling was so excited.

How could she not be excited to witness the momentous moment of the goddess up close and with her own eyes?

For this reason, Yang Ling also went to understand the man's situation, and felt that it was a good match. Although Mr. Rosen's family background was a little weaker than that of the Goddess of Heart Burning, it was still reluctant. After all, in this world, there is another Which man is 100% worthy of her?

And now, the ceremony is approaching, only one day away, someone told her that the perfect goddess Helan Xinran has a child! And the father of the child took the child across the ocean to find it!

Yang Ling's world was spinning at this time, and there was a feeling that an idol was setting up a collapsed house.

Jiang Rou's eyes flickered next to her. She seemed to understand something, but she didn't seem to fully understand it. Could it be that Yu Yue had plans and arrangements to stay at the Four Seasons Hotel and acquire the Four Seasons Hotel? He came here for Helan's heart, but what exactly did he want to do?

Two words appeared in Jiang Rou's heart, two words that made her feel complicated, excited and frustrated - rush to marry!

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