Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 1131: The Eve of the Ceremony (Part 2)

I also bought dresses for Yu You and Yuan Xiaolou.

Yu You is a light pink dress, Yuan Xiaolou is a navy blue suit, they are all cute.

One night spent 1.38 million, and everyone returned with a reward.

The night was full of lights and stars.

This night is destined to be sleepless.


In Gotham City, 80 kilometers away from New York, there are also thousands of lights and stars.

But the dark corners where the lights and stars do not shine are full of evil and crime.

Located in Gotham City, New Jersey, on the east coast of Magnesium, it is only separated by a river from Manhattan, New York. The Hudson River flows between the two bustling cities. various tragedies.

Five days ago, a female corpse was found in the underground parking lot of a building. The female corpse was completely dressed, young and beautiful, wearing a rose-colored short cheongsam, black stockings and high heels, and her golden hair was tied into a beautiful bun, lying on her side. in a pool of blood.

After visiting, this western beauty dressed in oriental fashion was a local TV host before her life, and was attacked by a murderer when she was parking.

After the autopsy, the forensic doctor said that this was a rare case of **** and murder. The murderer did not violate the **** or back of the deceased, but...

Two days ago, another high school girl named Anna was killed.

After the evening self-study, at about 10:30, the school security found that the light of the bicycle parking shed was not on. He used a flashlight to check and found that there was a lot of blood on the floor of the parking shed, and there was dragging blood. You can imagine someone dragging a bicycle The **** corpse was directed to the power distribution room near the carport. The security guard called a colleague, and the two found the girl's body in the power distribution room.

Under the light of the flashlight, the girl died shockingly. She lay crooked in the corner of the iron wall of the power distribution room, her eyes were open, there was a big hole in her neck, her flesh was turned out, and her short skirt was lifted up...

Gotham City, Public Library.

There is an alley behind the library, which belongs to the area of ​​no care. The street lights are in disrepair and flickering dimly. The dark and eerie Gothic buildings around it stand tall, making the dark alley even more eerie at night. Nurgle's Gotham has the highest crime rate.

At this time, a young and beautiful girl walked into the alley. She was wearing a short bohemian dress. With the pace, her ponytail swayed, and a pair of white and round legs swayed under the skirt.

The girl stayed in the library until it was closed, and then deliberately walked into this dark alley, but she pretended to be nonchalant, observing secretly while thinking about the two cases that her best friend told her before.

The girlfriend works in the Gotham City Police Department as a clerk and is responsible for managing files.

Yesterday, my best friend made an appointment with her for afternoon tea, and talked about the **** and murder of the hostess and a female high school student.

The girlfriend said: "These are two rare cases of **** and murder. The murderer did not sexually assault the **** or back court of the deceased. Guess what part was violated?"

The girl said, "Mouth? Probably not. You won't ask me about the part that is too unimaginative."

The girlfriend nodded: "It's not the mouth, guess."

The girl guesses: "Belly button, armpit, ears, nostrils?"

The girlfriend shook her head: "It's not right, keep guessing."

The girl divergent thinking: "Open a hole in the back of the head, or gouge out the eyeballs, engage in brain sex, eye sex?"

The girlfriend's face changed: " can you be such a perverted beauty with a high degree of education, and you even created your own name..."

The girl said, "I haven't often heard from you that Gotham's perverted cases have been contaminated... Why, haven't you guessed correctly yet?"

The girlfriend said: "No, but the idea is close. The part of the murderer's sexual assault was the leg. He pierced a hole in the inner thigh of the deceased, and there was **** in the hole. The two deceased were in the same situation, and the method of death was the same. He died by cutting his trachea with a sharp weapon. The police suspect that the murderer is the same person. This is a special serial **** and murder case."

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