Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 1132: Sin City Night (Part 1)

The girl pondered: "It seems that the murderer is a psychopath, has abnormal sexual habits, and has a special tendency to bloodthirsty."

The girlfriend said: "Oh, you're here again. I'm telling you this, not for you to reason or profile the crime, but to remind you that Gotham is not peaceful during this time, and there are many **** cases, especially this one. This kind of perverted **** is more likely to commit multiple crimes and will not be satisfied with one or two times, and the culprits are mainly aimed at young women. You have to pay attention to protecting yourself. You also know that the ability and efficiency of the Gotham police are basically not expected. superior……"

Although she worked for the police station, her best friend couldn't help but complain, and the girl knew it was a fact. That's why, after the first case happened, the deceased's colleagues on the TV station immediately reported it, mainly to put pressure on the police. At the same time, the citizens were asked to provide clues, and the result was known all over the city, so the girlfriend did not disclose the case.

The girl nodded in agreement.

The two chatted for a while.

When parting, the girlfriend reminded again: "Don't run around during this time, it will be your big day in two days, you know?"

The girl smiled and said, "I know, I know!"

Then, not only did she stay in the library until it was closed tonight, but she also deliberately chose the dark alley with an extremely high crime rate, and she dressed up deliberately.

The girl thought, although I have finished two Ph.D.s and I'm studying for the third Ph.D., I should be fine to pretend to be a college student today, and "Is it beautiful, look at my thighs", my legs got Vivienne's. Recognize that if the murderer is nearby, there is a high probability of being able to catch the hook.

She analyzed that the perpetrators of the two **** and murder cases were the same person, who was psychopathic, abnormal in sexuality, and bloodthirsty.

Bloodthirsty is an innate feeling or character. It does not mean that you like blood, but that you like the blood of others. After seeing blood, you will have inexplicable excitement and impulsiveness, and even trigger sexual desire. In some romantic places, you will often encounter clients with special hobbies, some like obese women, and some are looking for young ladies who are menstruating.

I heard that there is a race in the world called "blood race", that is, vampires, but the perpetrators should not be vampires. Vampires feed on human blood and generally do not have sexual desire for food, and the police did not say that the hostess and female high school students were arrested sucked blood.

According to the police's technical judgment, the murder weapon used in the two cases was the same, a pair of flower scissors used to trim shrubs. The murderer used large scissors to slam the victim's neck, the trachea was cut open, the victim was unable to call for help, and there was also a wound on the back of the neck. In line with the double-edged wound caused by large scissors, the wound on the victim's thigh should have been pierced with the tip of the scissors.

The girl believes that the cruelty of the murderer's crime is outrageous. He kills first and then rapes. The murder is to **** the corpse, but he only violates the thigh of the deceased. Then pierce the inner thigh, and then insert the **** to violate it. What kind of abnormal psychology is this?

The murderer may be impotent, unable to get an erection, and hate beautiful women;

Perhaps extreme disgust or hatred of the female vagina;

It may also be a leg-control - a special fascination with the legs of the opposite **** or the same sex, which often outweighs the interest in the rest of the body. Same-sex legs, pants, skirts, socks, etc. satisfy sexual-need-needs.

The location where the murderer violated twice is the "absolute domain".

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