Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 1133: Sin City Night (middle)

The absolute field, generally refers to the thigh, or specifically refers to the looming part of the thigh between the skirt and the knee socks.

The looming beautiful skin between the skirt, stockings, and boots tempts countless boys, so it is called the "absolute field" that is sacred and inviolable. The entry comes from the Japanese and anime game light novel culture. Girls who know the absolute field will go up a notch when they dress up. The beautiful legs at the slits of the cheongsam, and the nakedness between the skirt and the stockings, all make men fantasize about it.

The girl has a certain confidence in her appearance and figure. The bohemian dress she wore tonight deliberately showed the "absolute realm", because the murderer was crazy, as long as the police couldn't catch him, he would definitely commit the crime again, and brother Police Tan has always been incompetent and untrustworthy. The girl intends to be the bait and the hook by herself to catch the murderer and save the women of Gotham City from more harm.

From the dark alley, there is a faint stench, which seems to be the smell of sin.

The lights that flicker forever are like the eyes of monsters, strange, ruthless, and devoured by people.

The night wind was slightly cold, like a salty pig's hand, constantly moving the skirt.

Just when the girl pressed the skirt with her hand for the third time, she felt that someone was approaching behind her, and the skin on her legs had an unnatural layer of goose bumps, which was the feeling of being stared at with eyes.


The girl deliberately stepped up.

It was aggravating, not speeding up, but it made people think she wanted to escape.

The people behind really quickened their pace.

After calculating to the middle of the alley, there is a dilemma here, and it is not easy to be discovered. It is the most dangerous area, but it is the place that the girl chooses for the opponent.

The girl stopped, her ponytail swayed and her skirt swayed.

The people behind also stopped.

The ponytail girl turned her head and asked, "You... why are you following me?"

Half of her fears are fake, and half are real. She wants to be a city ranger, punishing evil and promoting good, but this is only her third time.

The first two times were just thieves and bullies, but this time it was a perverted killer traitor-corpse.

The man was silent.

The tall Gothic building blocked the moonlight, and the ponytail girl in the dark alley couldn't see the other's face, only saw him wearing a black coat and a hood.

Judging from the figure, it should be a man.

The flower scissors should be hidden under the coat.

The ponytail girl felt that since it was for this sake, there was no need to pretend any more, and she asked bluntly, "You killed Jennifer and Anna, right?"

The man in black froze slightly, but remained silent.

The ponytail girl judged that he was raped and murdered randomly, and only cared about the appearance and body of the target, but not the name, so she added: "Jennifer was the female anchor of Gotham TV, wearing a rose-colored short cheongsam when she died; Anna was a girl from Gotham Highland High School. , wearing short skirts and stockings when they died, they all had beautiful legs, you should remember this?"

The man in black finally said, "Are you a policeman?"

His voice was a little hoarse, and he looked very mature, as if he was an elderly person.

Immediately he denied his guess: "No, the Gotham police are all trash, they can't come to arrest me. Who are you?"

The ponytail girl sighed inwardly, being so looked down upon by a **** and murderer, the Gotham police can't say it's useless, it can only say it's useless, how can such a city be good?

She said: "It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is that I want to catch you and return Gotham to peace."

The man in black sneered: "It turned out to be a little girl with a superhero dream. You also want to be a hero like Captain Marvel?"

The girl shook her head, and her ponytail swung into a beautiful arc: "I don't want to be a superhero, I want to be a knight."

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