Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 1134: Sin City Night (Part 2)

The man in black said disdainfully, "What's the difference between a hero and a knight?"

The ponytail girl said in a crisp voice: "Knights, it is more about Eastern China. They don't need the spotlight, they don't need to stand on the stage to receive the applause of flowers from the world. They only help the weak in the dark and sinful corners. Seeing the injustice, help and maintain the justice in your heart."

The man in black asked: "So, you deliberately dressed like this, and you deliberately stayed late and walked this way, just to seduce me?"

The ponytail girl frowned and said, "Pay attention to your wording, it's not to seduce, it's to lead snakes out of their holes!"

The man in black asked, "I have observed you for a long time, and I have also seen the surrounding environment. You have no accomplices. Do you want to catch me alone?"

The ponytail girl said boldly: "Xia, often walk alone."

The man in black said loudly, "Unfortunately, Gotham has no justice, no heroes, and no "Xia" as you call it! This city is rotten, and no one can save it. I want to **** this city!"

The ponytail girl looked at him with pity in her eyes. He must have been stimulated to become like this. Let's interrogate him when he is caught...

The girl said: "Although Gotham has such and such problems, it is by no means the reason why you murder, rape, and harm women!"

"Shut up!" The man in black lifted his hood and took out the flower scissors, obviously not planning to stay alive.

- Of course, he didn't stay alive.

The large scissors were taken out from under the black coat and required both hands to use; his face was exposed from under the hood, with many wrinkles and scars on his face, and the entire right eye was yellow and turned out, looking very scary.

He rushed towards the ponytail girl, his steps were weird, and one leg seemed to be inflexible, but the speed was very fast. He held large flower scissors in both hands and cut towards the girl's fair and slender neck.

The ponytail girl hurriedly dodged. Although she had good motor skills and had learned a few female self-defense techniques, she was neither a martial artist, nor an outsider, so she did not dare to confront the one-eyed lame man with a big flower scissors.

The one-eyed lame man laughed grimly: "You little girl who loves to dream, you want to catch me too? Die, and then rot and stink with this city!"

The ponytail girl dodged left and right, seemingly embarrassed, but a mocking smile appeared on her beautiful face: "You hate this city, but you dare not fight against those in power and capitalists who make this city rotten, only dare to fight against A weak woman is poisoning, and a coward like you wants to kill me? I'm not a weak woman, and now I will show you my weapon!"

The one-eyed lame man roared: "Shut up, stinky watch! I'm going to cut your throat!"

The ponytail girl stretched out her right index finger and pressed a button on her left watch. In an instant, a sound of mechanical assembly sounded, and the strange mechanical watch turned into a steel glove on the girl's wrist.


The ponytail girl waved her iron fist to block the big flower scissors that were cut fiercely!

Sparks fly!

Immediately afterwards, the two fought against each other three times.

As we all know, how can scissors be the opponent of Iron Fist?

Moreover, the iron fist of the ponytail girl is made of alloy material, which is much harder than flower scissors. It also adds some wonderful high-tech, which has the effect of weight loss, speed increase and afterburner. It is a steel glove the size of a casserole. It is not cumbersome at all, and it can also attack semi-automatically, allowing ordinary people who have not practiced martial arts, fighting, or martial arts to deliver fast, ruthless, and accurate punches.


The third collision, the one-eyed lame man's big flower scissors was smashed by the girl's iron fist and flew out.

A smug and beautiful smile appeared on the pretty face of the ponytail girl. She stood on the spot and did not chase, but just swung her left fist forward, and the steel glove the size of the casserole flew forward immediately. It seemed that it was not a simple throw or throw, but There is a strong and stable thrusting force, plus the effects of "motion capture" and "searching for enemies". The iron fist flew over dozens of meters and hit the back of the one-eyed lame man's head.

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