Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 1135: Engagement Ceremony (Part 1)

The Four Seasons Hotel New York is very busy today. While busy setting up the venue, busy preparing food, and busy checking out for guests, at noon at the latest, all guests who are not invited must leave the hotel.

Yu Yue doesn't have to check out. He is already the owner of the hotel. No one dares to ask him to check out. How could the hotel owner ask the person who bought the hotel to leave?

So he played leisurely all morning, and took Yu You around the hotel to play, eat, swim, exercise in the gym, play in the children's playground, as if the ceremony in the afternoon had nothing to do with him.

Jiang Rou obviously hadn't slept well, and the dark circles under her eyes could not be covered. Yang Ling asked her what was wrong, but she didn't say anything.

After four o'clock in the afternoon, the atmosphere obviously changed.

Traffic around the Four Seasons Hotel started to get congested, and many uniformed police officers even showed up to direct traffic and maintain order.

For a time, luxury cars were like rain, and celebrities were like clouds.

"Ah, that's the heir to Hammer Industries!"

"The representative of Pym Technology is here too!"

"And the Pocot family, the largest family in Gotham!"

The little waiters in the hotel did not forget to gossip and discuss while they were busy. Although it is known that both men and women hosting the ceremony today have great backgrounds and faces, but all of a sudden they saw so many heirs of big families, representatives of big financial groups, Celebrities, elites from all walks of life, bigwigs from all walks of life, even government officials and members of Congress, still couldn't help but be amazed.

And everyone entering the hotel must present an invitation card and go through security, regardless of your status.

There are many scenic spots around the Four Seasons Hotel, but a large number of tourists from all over the world are blocked, which is quite inconvenient. Some people can't help but complain: "What's wrong, why are there so many police officers? Is there a terrorist attack?"

"It shouldn't be. You see, only luxury cars can enter it."

At this moment, there was an uproar from the crowd.

I saw the crowd spread out like a wave, and a long line of teams came in like a long snake. The head was a Cadillac Cadley, followed by a series of luxury cars, Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Chrysler, Infiniti, Acura, Chevrolet. Milo, Land Rover, etc., are like luxury car expositions. The main car is a white extended Lincoln, which is solemn.

"Fake, what a pomp, who is this? Those who didn't know thought the president was coming!" Some people complained in surprise.

"The president shouldn't be so high-profile when he arrives. This seems to be a team of wealthy families. I participated in it once, but that time was not as pompous as this time. It has covered the entire Four Seasons Hotel. It is estimated that it is a top-level wealthy family." Someone tried to interpret.

With the presence of a wealth of rich people, dignitaries of extraordinary status, and black and white bigwigs, all parties gathered, and the reception began.

Everyone is also happy to use this ceremony reception as a platform for communication. Every word is naturally not comparable to the chatter of ordinary people. During the chat, maybe the wind direction of an industry will change, and the economy of one city and one region will be changed. Stagnation or rapid progress, even national policies and international situations may be affected.

Of course, some people are talking about the situation in Ouzhou: "It is said that the wind direction in Ouzhou has changed a lot, including politics, economy, society..."

A rich man nodded and said: "I heard from my Ouzhou partner that the situation over there has completely changed, and the big financial groups that originally controlled the economic lifeline have all kept a low profile, because the Ouzhou blood clan behind them has been stolen. Convinced, and now I can only take it on a plate."

"Well, there is a Chinese powerhouse who defeated the blood ancestors and overwhelmed the eight major clans of the Ouzhou blood clan, so there is today's Ouzhou pattern." A gangster said, he had a deeper understanding of the underground world.

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