Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 1136: Engagement Ceremony (middle)

"Huaxia? Is there a Chinese national will behind him?"

"This is unknown. I heard that he was only traveling to Ouzhou, and he encountered the blood clan to do evil and provoke him, so he angered the eight clans, and even the blood ancestor was beaten to the point of retreat..."

"I guess there must be. If it wasn't for the support of China, how could it be possible to overwhelm the Ouzhou blood clan and change the pattern of Ouzhou by one person? That's a fantasy!"

"In fact, the current situation of Ouzhou is still very stable. The strong Yu Yue suppressed the Ouzhou blood clan with one hand and raised the Qinghong Association with the other, making Ouzhou still a three-legged situation, but from the original blood clan, government, The church has become the current government, church, and youth and red society."

"Qinghonghui? Is that the so-called 'Overseas Hongmen'? That's also a Chinese force!"


"Does this mean that the Chinese forces have penetrated into Ouzhou, and have even controlled the wealth and power of Ouzhou? This is not a good thing for Magnesium..."

They didn't know that Yu Yue's main support in Ouzhou was not the Green Red Society, but Nina's alchemy workshop, but the latter's reputation was too small for them to pay attention.

Someone put forward: "Eagle Country Enamel has always been the closest ally of Magnesium. It is not good news for Huaxia to reach out to Ouzhou. This will definitely affect Magnesium's interests in Ouzhou...

"Maybe today is an opportunity. We can use this platform to reach an agreement and ask the President and Congress to put pressure on Ou to China bilaterally, to prevent Ouzhou from falling under the control of China, and to maintain and expand the interests of Magnesium in Ou."

Someone laughed and said: "Brother, you are not alone in thinking this way, the reason why this ceremony is held today and is so grand is not without deep meaning!

"Rosen Hiddleston is the heir of the Hiddleston family, which is the largest family on the west coast of the Magnesium Country; Helan Xinran is the daughter of the chairman of Helan Science and Technology, and Helan Science and Technology Co., Ltd. Is an industry giant on the East Coast.

"The marriage of these two companies aims to integrate the power of the eastern and western parts of the Magnesium country, combine capital and technology, and even allow the two parties to let go of their prejudices.

"As long as we go upstream, we don't have to worry about not being able to get a piece of the pie."

Someone retorted: "Don't forget, He Lancang, the chairman of Helan Science and Technology, is of Chinese descent. Who can guarantee that Magnesium will not have reservations when he takes action against Huaxia?"

Someone shook his head: "Although He Lancang is very capable, he made the consortium and company put his surname on his own, but after all, the 'Helan Consortium' should be called the 'Stanfield Consortium', He Lancang is not actually in control Man, he is just an agent on the bright side, he is a son-in-law, an orphan, a chess piece, and he can't be the master in front of the huge wheel of interests, otherwise he will not marry his daughter to Rosen."

Many people nodded in agreement. They felt that participating in this engagement ceremony today was not only just to save face, but also had the opportunity to participate in the country's policies and the will of big capital and big forces. It was such an honor and a rare opportunity. !

Many people are already gearing up and eager to try, ready to climb on the giant ship built by the two marriages, waving their flags and shouting, stirring up the world.

At this time, the host's voice spread throughout the audience through the microphone: "Dear guests, dear friends, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the engagement ceremony of Mr. Rosen Hiddleston and Miss Helan Heartburn. !

"The engagement ceremony will start in five minutes. Guests are invited to enter the venue as soon as possible. Friends who have entered the venue should not walk around at will, keep the venue quiet, and let us create a warm and romantic atmosphere together. I sincerely thank you for your cooperation."

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