Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 1138: Marriage (Part 1)

A childish cry suddenly sounded with a full milk flavor, breaking the warm and romantic music and spreading throughout the luxurious and quiet ceremony scene.

People frowned, some complained that the children were so uneducated and ruined the atmosphere at critical moments, and some blamed the Four Seasons Hotel for its poor service and how they could let children run around and scream on important occasions.

Vivian felt that the delicate body of the person beside her suddenly stiffened, and her fingers and palms ached, but she was grabbed by her best friend.

Looking down, Helan's heart burning snow-white and tender hands had faint blue veins bulging, which showed that his master was no longer at peace.

"Mom..." A milky voice shouted again.

Helan's heart burned and turned back suddenly, and saw a small figure standing at the starting point of the blue carpet.

The small figure, standing in the large hall and the crowd, is both cute and pitiful.

Helan's burning heart clenched, suddenly sour, and had the urge to cry.

She wanted to walk back, but it was very inconvenient to move around in a long dress, and the small figure had already rushed towards her.

Seeing the little man running towards him with short legs, Helan couldn't help but feel a little dazed. Did she already know how to run?

The girl in the long skirt hurriedly squatted down regardless of her image, opened her arms, and let the little man plunge into her arms.

This pounce almost knocked people down.

Helan Xinran felt that the other party had changed a lot, not only could he run and jump, but also became taller and stronger.

I have mixed feelings in my heart, but thousands of words are only turned into one sentence: "Youyou..."

Yu You shouted: "Mom!"

Vivian looked at the back of her hand and wrist where the red mark was pinched, and sighed secretly. I didn't expect that such a grand ceremony would actually have a change...

It took a long time for everyone to recover from the shock, and then they were full of question marks and doubts.

It turns out that the child's "mother" is not someone else, but Helan's heart burning?

When did the daughter of the Helan family in Gotham have a child?

Has she been married and then divorced? Or out of wedlock? Why does it seem like no one knows about this?

Many people feel that the human design has collapsed. It is the daughter of the top wealthy family of Magnesium, the elite of the famous school, and the goddess-level figure. How could they do such a thing?

There are also many people who have a melon-eating mentality. This engagement ceremony is coming. What is the point of a normal wealthy marriage? Ordinary people look at luxury and luxury, and have a lot of knowledge. Odd, it's good now, there's a moth at the critical moment, it's interesting.

Looking at the appearance of the child, it is almost two or three years old. It cannot be born by Helan Xinran and Rosen. Will the Hiddleston family accept a woman who has given birth to someone else as the family heir wife?

Maybe. After all, Helan Science and Technology's technology is too strong, but the matter of having children must not be exposed at such a time. It must be concealed from the public for at least ten or twenty years. Otherwise, even if there are huge interests, the wealthy The decency could not hold up.

There is another question. Who is this child born to by Helan Xinran? Who is the father of the child?

It is impossible for a child to come to the scene by himself to recognize his mother, someone must have brought it.

But how could that person enter the Four Seasons Hotel without being blocked? Is he also an elite celebrity?

When Helan's heart burned a little bit from the huge emotion, she let go of Yu You in her arms, wiped the tears on her pink face, and asked, "You You, why are you here? Who brought you here?"

Yu You sobbed and said, "Yes... it's Dad..."

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