Galaxy Returns To Be a Dad

Chapter 1139: robbing marriage (middle)

Helan Xinran raised her head and looked in the direction Yu You ran over.

I saw a figure standing at the beginning of the blue carpet and white lamppost.

The figure was both familiar and unfamiliar.

Helan's burning heart filled with all kinds of emotions and tastes again.

The man stood there and looked at her and her with a smile, as if crossing the four seas and mountains for a long time.

The eyes were facing each other, and in the consciousness that others could not see, the scene quickly switched, leaving the luxurious ceremony scene, and the colorful flowers opened and withered quickly.

First, the picture changes from colorful spring to verdant summer, then golden autumn and snow-white winter.

Immediately afterwards, the time and space turned and transformed rapidly, the land collapsed and the ground cracked, the sea withered and the rocks rotted, and the sea was changing in an instant.

All creatures seem to have changed, from what people are familiar with to unfamiliar ancient forms, countless animals and plants that have long been extinct have appeared one after another, the whole world is reversing, and everything is quickly returning to the original, returning to Famine, return to chaos.

Against this background, the man and the woman stared at each other for a long time. Time is changing, space is changing, but only two people have not changed.

Looking at this scene, Yang Ling trembled all over. For some reason, she had a faint feeling that even after thousands of calamities, three lives and three lives, there are some things that cannot be changed.

Looking at this scene, Jiang Rou's eyes gradually turned from complicated to soft. He and she finally met each other. The affection between him and her is unparalleled - the love is separated by mountains and seas, and the mountains and seas are not equal. All thoughts are separated by clouds, and one step is like a heavy city. There are boats to cross the sea, and roads to the mountains. This love overturns the mountains and the seas, and the mountains and the seas can be levelled.

Helan's heart seemed to have a thousand stars in her eyes, she slowly got up, and said, "Student Yu, you are finally here..."

Hearing this title, Yu Yue's heart moved, as if he had returned to today after 600 years, and all the suffering was worth it.

He said, "Yeah, here I come..."

There was an uproar.

Who is this person?

Haven't seen it!

Many celebrities and elites at the scene looked at the man with black suit, black bow tie, black hair and black eyes. They only felt that their eyes were very stunned.

Where did he come from? Why didn't anyone stop him?

The employees of the Four Seasons Hotel were even more horrified. Isn't that their new boss?

Who can stop the hotel owner openly grabbing the marriage at the engagement ceremony held by his hotel?

Helan Xinran didn't glance at the ceremony table behind her, where her fiancé was standing.

She lifted the skirt with one hand and Yu You with the other, and was about to walk towards Yu Yue.

The engagement blue carpet was halfway through, and it turned back halfway. Rosen Hiddleston looked gloomy and winked at his confidant at the stage.

The confidant immediately walked to the middle of the blue carpet with a few big men in black, stretched out his hand to block and warned: "Miss Helan, please stay awake, and don't make a decision that is not conducive to the family group."

Helan hesitated for a moment, then suddenly glared and shouted, "Get out of the way!"

The confidant refused, and said solemnly: "Miss Helan think twice, otherwise you will regret it..."

Helan Xin Ran directly started to push him, but failed to push him away.

The confidant sighed and ordered, "Do it!"

Several big men in black reached out and grabbed Helan's heart, ready to force her to the stage and complete the engagement with Mr. Rosen.

Vivian suddenly rushed up and pulled: "Heart burning, let's go, I'll stop them!"

As a best friend, she certainly didn't want Helan's heart burning to cause trouble, especially big trouble like the Hiddleston family, but since Helan made a choice, she must support her.

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